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Everything posted by BIG SHAFE

  1. I have a 80 gb Video Ipod which I love, although I seem to have more music than fits on it.
  2. If I remember right I thought I heard he got away, even though they reported he was caught.
  3. He's old school. Welcome.
  4. After re-installing coil on plug setup/electric waterpump/new opti couldn't get it to start. Found out I forgot to hook up the opti harness.
  5. I'm chugging away trying to get the car ready. As long as I don't park next to Bill I'm ok.
  6. It would have been just one company had not the FCC been assholes and the NAB whining about monopoly. Even though like 75% of the stations are owned by Clear Channel. If it doesn't go through, god help us.
  7. +1 I paid the $500 for the lifetime subscription. I listen to 5-6 hours a day. Best money I ever spent. I got 2 Kenwood head units and a Sirius tuner that plugs in the CD changer port. I can go from either car and tuck it away. Use the head unit to control everything. Then I listen at work all day, online. Hell you can listen to most of the stations online for free with a regular subscription ($12.95) or get the online subscription for CD quality audio and all stations ($6.95). Ned is awesome "Oh gawwwd!"
  8. Hmm I'm torn, I think opera would be better, but show tunes would be funny too. LOL
  9. 1. Tilley 2. This Thread 3. K.I.T.T.
  10. I've done SETI for years too, what the sites for he Aids and Cancer programs? I'll join in.
  11. This seems rediculous to me. http://citypages.com/databank/28/1379/article15402.asp
  12. If you ever come up north, Summit usually has a bunch on display you can sit in.
  13. Or have record sales the day before and after. Stupid people.
  14. It doesn't appear to me that it got very hot. There is very little blue'ish color on it. It prolly wont chatter much if any, unless its warped at all.
  15. It looks good to me. No broken springs, rivets, and facing material. It also looks like it had plenty of facing material left. The self adjustment springs have hardly moved, another indicator of plenty of friction material. There are pics of both sides. The flanges are different on both sides and the facing/segments are only riveted to one flange (flywheel side).
  16. I usually check once or twice a week. Oh well.
  17. When did this get put together? I must have missed it somewhere.
  18. But according to Bush, every time he talks, "We stand united". Really? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/05/07/AR2007050700355.html
  19. Where's coltboostin when you need him.
  20. Not the same for th Brits, just because nothing has happened since, doesn't mean its done for good. I expect it to happen again. I thinks it damn near impossible to stop how people live over there. How do you change a mentality thats been around longer than our own country? The same people that worry about their kids do this, even her family members were in on it. http://newsbyus.com/more.php?id=8128_0_1_0_M
  21. Same here, not too bad of a place. Plenty of quality control to get into.
  22. I had a similar problem My hard drive wouldn't access all of the sudden, so I picked it up and noticed it starting working again. I went and got a 100GB USB drive and sat and rocked my laptop back and forth non stop for about 1.5 hours and I was able to get all my data lol. I guess I got lucky.
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