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Everything posted by 93berettagt
Didn't know those were bad. I throw them in to explain things while not losing track of the orignal senctence. If the paper were more serious I would use citations and mla and all the above but it was an opinion paper to be no more than 3 paragraphs (I ramble a bit more). But hey thanks for trying to read it
lol i am getting a feeling you guys think its too long. It really isn't though, only 3 pages double spaced in word. Would an attached doc or pdf make it seem better? Or better yet should I just throw some titty pics in between the paragraphs to keep things interesting?
I just want to make the dumb joke myself before anyone else does. Sound? how does your paper make sound? lol *some smiley face*
*DISCLAIMER I'm an idoit, I've been at osu for 6 years and still no degree (I've switched my major 5 times now) I've had one astronomy class there that mentioned Einstien and relativity. I have no clue on the math behind any of it (highest math I took was 151 or something i think) but I was curious about it so I read more on the internet (again just theory because I don't understand the math) and in general just think about things and trying to get a better self-understanding of it. *2nd DISCLAIMER These 6 years haven't paid off with my writing abilites so I ask all you grammer nazi's to show no mercy and let me know where there are the slightest mistakes. (If you want that is) Also I think the ending is lacking but its a paper for my cousin for a gec so I got bored and kinda rushed it. So my cousin asked me to help her write a small paper on social/technological lag for her sociology class at cscc. I told her to write about time and how most people still think its a solid force no one can alter (Thats not the case, the problem is we just don't know HOW to alter it). After she told me those people were right, I decided to write her paper myself about it. So bascally what I'm trying to get at is I've never talked to anybody "offical" about this and I know a lot of you on here know a good amount about this. What Im asking is, if I'm completely off, let me know. If it makes sense but I'm just off scientifically or whatever help me out. And If I just happen to be right what do you think about it? Any help/advice/comments will be fully appreciated. Hope you enjoy it! When Newton first discovered and defined the basics of physics (what must go up must come down, etc…), he did so based of a universal, unalterable eternal time. Newtown’s work was revolutionary, and with the knowledge of his era his discoveries were correct. In fact today they still work if used for calculating simple physics pertaining to Earthly numbers. However Newton was wrong, as Einstein came along and created his theories of relativity. These theories (proven true based off algorithms all GPS systems use to compensate for time dilation) demonstrated how time is not how we sense it in everyday life. That time in itself is not an ever-steady continuously flowing event. Basically put, that there isn’t some big godly clock somewhere in the heart of the universe keeping time for everything. What Einstein discovered is time is a changeable 4th dimension of things (the other 3 dimensions being the physical world) or that time and space are both alterable, not just space. Today though if you talked about this to an everyday person, chances are not only would they not know what you are talking about, they would probably look at you like you were crazy. The problem for this is, unless taking some college classes in physics or astronomy or what-have you, no one teaches it. The problem for this (they stack up quickly here) is because top scientist of today still don’t fully know the answer to just how time and space relate, just that they’re relative to each other. The problem with the situation as a whole, is that waiting on the second problem to be fixed first (scientists figure it all out). THEN focusing on solving the first issue of teaching kids about it is backwards in reasoning. I do not know why our educational system is the way it is (Religion interference, traditional teaching strategies, and unknown reasons, but that is a totally different book to be written by a top sociologist someday.) but always teaching things fully thought out, only leads to everyone thinking that they know everything. This in turn, makes most people who were taught Newtonian physics in 8th grade to not even question what time is. So to them, once they get into college and a professor mentions Einstein’s theory, it’s no surprise it seems unnatural. That’s not the full extent to the problem with teaching in a backwards manner either. Quite literally, if 90% (guess on number, literal on the problem it brings) of the people don’t even know that time isn’t fully thought out, then how will it ever be solved? Other words, No one’s going to answer a question they don’t even know exists. Sure that other 10% who happened to find out about this will eventually solve it, but it’s been 95 years since we’ve known this, and still today people as a whole have no idea about it. This technological and cultural lag still hasn’t been fixed, we are still teaching newton physics in grade school while waiting on this to be solved. A solution best to me, is teach kids early on the theory of this while they are still defining what their world is (waiting to late like in college or high school makes it harder for us to change up our set rules of, “how things are”). It’s nothing complicated in theory, the math that’s ridiculous, so just stick with theory at first. Then once in college if they decide to crunch the numbers have the physics class to do so. This probably could be done for a lot of scientific lessons (elements on the whole for example) don’t wait till the numbers are solved then teach the people at the school level required by its math. Teach them the theories early on while they still are able to create the much truer complex universe, then it’s just a matter of a numbers game. They don’t need to reconstruct their inner universe like we are doing all the time now after each new discovery. So again to clarify everything about this lag I will break it down numerically. 1, kids are taught Newton physics not Einstein physics because Newton’s are fully figured out. 2, the reason is unknown why. That’s just how the educational system works, teach kids what we know for sure/fully. 3, this creates a problem because. A, creates the false perception of that’s the final answer to it (e.g. we know everything) and b, people can’t help finish what they don’t know isn’t finished. This is a social lag that hasn’t been fixed yet and in a way, why lags in general even exist. 4, the solution to this would be teach kids early on the most complex theories available while they still are creating their identity and relations to how the universe works/is. Don’t worry about numbers, just theory (teach it like a religion, not a single formula is mentioned anywhere in religion but it creates the most solid image in our brains on what our universe is). This would allow them to just figure out the science behind it later on if they decided to do so without having to re-rational everything behind it again in their heads. This would probably solve other lags too, because that’s why people lag on whatever. Their inner creation of how the world works doesn’t comply with the newest whatever. The only difference from one lag to another is complexity. Take for example, the essence of time for society vs. Cellphones for old people. They at first seem very different, but relatively speaking they have the same underlying principle. Old people’s image of the world doesn’t have cellphones, just like we think time is stable and unchangeable. Sure it’s a lot easier to accept cellphones into your world, but most old people don’t simply because it’s a change to their system of how things work. As society advances and the faster things start to change, the more we will see tradition and “how things are” go away, aka social/technological lag. Humans are astronomically smart in perceptive reasoning/abstract thought (but unbelievably dumb at utilizing it) so its undeniable that we as people will see how minuscule a cell phone really is and it no longer will be an issue to let it into our worlds. In other words our brains will eventually force us to realize that a day/week/life is not long relative to length of all things, or that our planet/solar-system/galaxy is not big relative to the size of all things. Making it so much easier for us to “get over it” when something big changes how we function. This can be helped for the time being by never teaching the young to think this is how it is. Instead teach them, this is how we think it is right now, and that this is what we might think it could be more precisely (Look into analog vs. digital vs. optical to understand what I mean about preciseness). Until then however, we will continue to think this is how the world is and every time it changes we will have to self-adjust our world.
So I was trying to clear up my phones pictures by moving pics to the new memory card and deleting pics I didnt want anymore. My dumb ass accidentally deleted some I wanted to keep. My phone is a samsung eternity, and Im fairly confident the pics were on the internal memory and not the memory card. So is there anyway I might get them back or are they dust in the wind?
cool thanks for all the info, and I wasn't going to buy it from summit, I was just using it as a reference. I'd put some pictures up but it isn't done yet, I am kinda jumping the gun with this. Once I do get that far I'll be sure to call that guy and will post pictures.
So i am having trouble figuring out tire sizes and how wide of a rear tire I can fit in my car with out modding it (or if it's reall easy to mod it a little, how much). I am looking at these tires and I'm thinking the bigger one must just bubble up more, but I always thought the second number ment tire height. This is the first one http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?autofilter=1&part=BFG%2D54462&N=700+400073+304873+4294904708+115&autoview=sku and then the second one. http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?autofilter=1&part=BFG%2D92364&N=700+400073+304873+4294904554+115&autoview=sku. The reason I arrived at it being two inches taller is in the specs it says its over all diamater, or does that mean something else? Plus I think a 315 is too wide in general no matter the height, but I am just a little confused on the diameter difference. Btw the car is a 71' Skylark what is the max size I can fit with out modding it to much?
Not to steal the thread but I clicked on one of the random vids below and all I can say is this shit is funny http://www.efukt.com/2286_Deaf_Girl_Still_Wants_To_Be_A_Pornstar.html
Like it's striaght from an Ocean Movie http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081003/ap_on_fe_st/odd_dress_alike_heist;_ylt=Alvgwys6hpnmA0II8RhVeMcuQE4F
I wouldn't mind buying grid if you decided to part everything.
Thats the first thing I saw too.
haha, I have defeated google with trees. http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y188/jspeedracer/googleview.jpg
Just found this trailer online. Movie looks like every other, turn off the realism switch and have fun watching, movie Jason stathams in. http://jalopnik.com/tag/death-race/
http://project-torque.aeriagames.com/ Has anybody here downloaded and tried this game yet?
Wife beats the crap out of her husband, cops dont care!
93berettagt replied to a topic in Pics and Vids
I always thought the answer was "You should of listened the first time." -
What bothers me the most about this post is, if you have 2000lbs of weed and 4mil cash. Why are you pawning off you camcorder?
If you ever decide to lower that down to $75 I'll take it.
I am looking to just get a simple little amp for my 10 in. sub, nothing big(unless you just want to sell it dirt cheap). I'd like to only spend about $50-100. Preferably towards $50 but I'm easily persuaded. I'll also consider offers on a 10inch sub, but that will have to be a really good deal for me .
Thanks for the advice, I'll put it up there too.
I'm posting this for my cousin, it's the driver side mirror, it is powerd with defrost, without electronic folding/dimming. No damage to it at all. Dark green color. Asking $100 http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/11/03262008001br7.th.jpg http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/9228/03262008002ik5.th.jpg http://img389.imageshack.us/img389/3397/03262008dc0.th.jpg
The only thing I would recomend is everyone editing get the same version of the same program before starting. Everyone knows how annoying it is to do work only to not be able to open it on your friends computer. BTW I think I have the newest sony vegas around here if anyone wants to share.
Yes too they are the same thing as a benz, when you hit the lock button on them they have the same beeper that tells you they locked. Seriously though, benz may own them but they have nothing in common (other than the above mentioned similarity.) Plus the seats are not comfortable, and they don't come with floor mats.
My opinion is pretty much what country/region they are put in on the Gran Turismo. Not that I take the info GT gives to be mine, but they seem to have a pretty good idea of what comes from where. I also really don't think of a car by where the parts are made from, but more of what type of part they are and the design of the car, somewhat like stereotyping. Like big V8 torque American, high revving light weight Japanese (and a few other Asian countries), and good handling luxury touring European type cars.
They drive pretty ruff too. It has one of those automatic/manual transmissions in it that shifts pretty sloppy. And at 76hp? they are pretty damn slow. Only get 33 mpg city 44 highway (and your only supposed to use 93 in them) smog index on the window say they pollute more than the average car. For optioned out at 18k they are really not worth it. But they do have a diesel one coming out in a couple of years that should get a lot more MPG.