Let's get this straight. You've officially gone from a salty 30 year old crying in his beer over a $500 bike, to an immature asshole trying to slander my name, to an e-warrior calling me out to a duel, behind your computer screen.
I don't know why your buddy "V8Fiero" wants to keep butting his head into things and dragging things on either.
You two remind me of a couple cartoon teammates. Lance and Gary I believe are their names?!?
As far as selling things goes, I am very upfront and open about what each of my vehicles or items may have wrong with them. I have sold things on the CR website for over 5 years with no complaints other then you. I participate in other threads when I feel I have a reason. I've been here much longer then you have and frankly I don't know why I'm explaining myself to someone who can't even write a full sentence or get a point accross without have to use profanity. The two of you are a world class act.
Drop the e-name calling scene and grow up. I don't care if you take the pain of you not owning a 78 CX500 to the grave, but leave my name out of it. If you just can't handle that, I'll make sure the moderators lock your account.