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Posts posted by RS69

  1. Expanded...


    By forming this bill as an amendment to the constitution instead of a regular law we have now written exclusive rights to casino gambling in Ohio to this one specific company. Constitutional amendments are extraordinarily difficult to repeal or modify and they trump any law set by any municipality all the way to the State level. Constitution > Law. That means in the future if we wanted to open casino gambling to other organizations, say to introduce competition or to negotiate tax rates we can't without an extraordinary legislative process to reverse this amendment which will never happen. This organization now has a monopoly and can effectively dictate casino policy in Ohio to our lawmakers.


    The way this should have been done was a constitutional amendment to allow casino gambling, then a state law to award the contract to this organization.


    We just fucked ourselves out of future tax money and benefits by awarding this organization constitutional protection against competition.




    Yes, this is exactly what the yes vote did. People need to read and understand what they are were voting for. The casino part was just a cover for the bigger issue.

  2. The Ohio Farm Bureau is Issue 2 and being a part type farmer I agree. I dont want a non local local organization like PETA coming into my farm and tell me what we can do. We farmers in Ohio can make our decisions without someone from another state telling us what we can or cant do.
  3. This is one of my favorite places in Westerville. It is a nice affordable Italian place. They also have great wings.... On a side note, the building used to be BW3's about 15 years ago.
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