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Everything posted by trbmiata

  1. 02 wrx with more power and stock suspension = no fun in the curves, which is what the car is made for. You can also make the argument that the car has enough power stock so why add more. Plus alot of power = good bye tranny. Whoever said that you should add power before suspension and brakes knows very little about wrx's or subaru's in general. just my thought and was trying to give my advice, but you car do what you want. most of all have fun.
  2. do yourself a favor and get suspension too. This car is made for everything other than a drag car, so please be more worried about how it will handle than how fast you can make it.So with 3000.00 I would get jic suspension, with some motor and tranny mounts, huge rear sway bar, good brakes, then start playing with upipe and down pipe. my .02
  3. http://www.griotsgarage.com/catalog.jsp?L1=L1_1000 this stuff is not well know but is the best wax ever. http://www.yotatech.com/showthread.php?t=28685&highlight=griots+wax scroll down to see the diffrence.
  4. Legacy GT is one of the best cars this year. It has the same motor as an sti, little more room nicer interior, but more cash. I would buy one over an sti anyday. look at this one. http://www.awjunkies.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=1344
  5. i believe that they are for cutting speed limiters on JDM cars? might be wrong.
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