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Everything posted by trbmiata

  1. or you can go to court and prove that your friend was driving and provide his information to the court. It is then up to the judge to decide if your still responsible or re-issue the ticket to your friend.If your friend dosent want to take resposibility kick him in the nuts.
  2. Rachel McAdams Natalie Portman Eva Mendes Rachel Bilson Allison Stokke
  3. RIP PIMP C. This sucks big time. UGK's Riddin Dirty was possibly the best old school/undergound hip hop album ever. HIGH LIFE!
  4. http://www.statejobs.ohio.gov/applicant/index.asp
  5. Um, turbo Forester's(XT) 04-08 are dope. If I had the cash that would be my DD in a heart beat, its detuned sti. When you start going back into the 01-03 range with the 2.5L non-turbo, there are some Headgasket issues and always look for a leaky oil pump. Those seals always fail once you get to about 85k range. Aside form that they are probably one of the safest cars or suvs on the road.
  6. http://www.nasioc.com http://www.i-club.com http://www.clubwrx.net http://www.subytech.com http://www.wrxtuners.com http://www.wrxfanatics.com want more? http://www.rs25.com if your old school suby like me.
  7. There could be and I am sure that there is more to this situation than meets the eye. All we can see are views from certain camera angles, thus not telling the whole story. Not saying this situation could have been handled differently though. Watch this and youll see what I mean: http://www.911oops.com/police-shooting-from-two-views/
  8. http://columbus.craigslist.org/car/433397049.html
  9. Sam you might want to get ahold of launchin1st(screen name), last I heard he bought about 10 old z'z from a guy in Kentucky. If he dosent have any Im sure he can point you in the right direction.
  10. GC8 is the best! And the sedan looks like poop!
  11. what makes you guys think jon didnt tune the car. Na but corey is a good guy and knows the megasquirt system very well.
  12. campus FTL! in two years of living there I had my house broken into 4 times. Fuckers even stole a 3 pack of deodorant.
  13. Can someone tell me why I got passed by a two seater Indy car coming down Indianola Ave yesterday afternnon. Damn thing was loud an could be heard from a mile away. Im guessing is was some promotion for Mid-Ohio this weekend but still. Just kinda crazy to see one go flying by you.
  14. yeah there were a ton a subys that pulled out in the days leading to this event. Plus I think the total count on sti 6speeds was 3 or 4 for the day. subaru showing was pretty weak, again. Oh and next year expect to see srt-4's added to this event.
  15. wrong. subaru owners have one of the best enthusiast followings, in which people who buy one will usually buy another. Plus, dont judge this car until you are able to see it in person. On a side note the 08 Forester TR looks nasty.
  16. Dude WTF are you talking about. Ted Ginn sat out the combine, but worked out for the OSU pro day on March 10th. Where he ran an 4.38 and a 4.45. Mind you this was all done by Ohio State Athletics. Now reports are coming out that he most likely get a late start to tranning camp therefore he will miss the first couple of games. BTW-Deion Sanders holds the combine record in the 40 with a 4.29. Joey Galloways timed 40 at 4.19 was at the infamous fast OSU pro work out day.
  17. so what is the age of this girl in the pics? LOL
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