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Everything posted by trbmiata

  1. You might remember her from clueless, she's 42 now and hotter than ever. I heard she was in playboy a few months back if anybody has those please post them too.--nevermind I found them. http://cm1.dotspotter.com/media/0/66/42/stacey_dash.jpg http://ns4w.org/stacy-dash-playboy-photos/
  2. delille 772 Marion Rd Columbus, Ohio 43207 Tel.(614) 444-1177 Fax (614) 444-0733
  3. and still faster than anything you own. Tony your still alive
  4. car was built 6-7 years ago and hasnt really been touched since. Jerry is possibly the nicest guy you'll ever meet.
  5. I want to see Kimbo and Bob Sapp go at it in a pride match.
  6. Where to start..basic run down. Sounds like you are going to be buying used so Ill try to get you as much as I can remember. 02-05 wrx's are 2.0L 5speeds with r160 rear diffs whcih tend to break at high horse power levels. ej205 engine code. tdo4 tiny turbo. Pretty basic motors hold about 350hp before letting go, same with the 5speed. 06-08 wrx's are a 2.5L with 5 speeds. engine code ej255. td04 turbo as well. They have a little more toruqe but lack any top end. 5 speed trannys are still weak. 04-08 stis are all 2.5L with 6speeds and R180 rear diffs, bigger than R160 and hold more power than can be thrown at it. 6 speeds can hold a crap ton of power as well, 600+ and have dccd which is just a way to transfer power between the front and rear wheels.Engine code is ej257, every strong motor that can hold up to 500whp, 450whp is more realistic with out breaking anything. All sti's come with brembo brakes fornt and rear along with bbs wheels.04-06sti;s came with a vf39 turbo while the 07s came with a slightly better vf43, not sure on 08s. Couple things to notice......04 stis have 5x100 lug pattern while 05-08 switched to 5x114. All wrxs have 5x100. In addition they changed the wheel bearing design in 05 which most people with 04 tend to swap to. In 07 the sti's got a little longer gearing which was a major complaint about the previous years 6 speeds. Yes the STi is worth the extra money. A complete 6speed swap with axles, diff, breaks , ect.... will cost anywhere from 5-7k depending on year. That alone is worth the cost not to mention the better interior, wheels and more stout motor. First mods....Downpipe/exhaust with some sort of EM. with a accessport from cobb tuning or open source. There is a ton more info but I dont want to go on forever. Check out http://www.Nasioc.com your can read anything you ever wanted to know about subaurs. If it were me I would search for a 05 sti with low miles, they look the best and dont have the negitives the 04s had.
  7. All depends on what cop you get. Ive seen people get away with nothing and I have seen a cop stand at the window of the car with gun drawn waiting for backup. That took about an hour to deal with. BTW- Female cop.
  8. I will believe it when I see it. My guess is we pick up a weak center and a couple 2nd line defensemen. Dont get me wrong the bluejackets will call them first liners but those of who know will see what they are doing. All in all look for about 12million spent.
  9. got a s362 extended tip ready to go on my wrx swap. There are a lot of time attack subarus running the same turbo and they love them. Hell your seeing a ton of the fast pro honda guys switch to BW turbos.
  10. Beverly D'Angleo plus she was born in Columbus ohio
  11. trbmiata

    during sex

    lost boys during sex
  12. Are you serious History lesson #2 we didnt declare WAR! Dems voted to fund the so called war giving that we were already there/heading there(Iraq and Afganistan were diffrent). As far as taking a military history class I think NSS 312(History of terrorism), ENF 441(Counter Intell/Terrorism), and ENF 645 (Counter terrorism) at Tiffin University will do just fine. My point is that many conservatives have the same mind set as President Bush. They believe that the all high and mighty United States should be able to do whatever they want whenever they want without some sort of retalliation. We invaded Iraq on false pretenses, we then get attacked by those living there and we have the right to call them terrorist. Granted I do realize that there were legitimate terrorist groups there before the war but they certainly werent those responsilbe for 9/11. And yes they might be there now but we provided them with that target. The topic at hand is the moral and legal issues regarding the pictures at Abu Ghraib. If you agree with the actions these soldiers took then something is worng between your ears. I want revenge as much as the next person for 9/11 but not at the cost of destroying foreign relations with the rest of the world.
  13. first off, Adam give up your dealing with conservatives who just dont get it. Example, why and how Bush lead us to the postion we are in today. As far as slavery goes the consitution never mentions the word slave or slavery. The first U.S. national government began under the Articles of Confederation, adopted in 1781. This document said nothing about slavery. It left the power to regulate slavery, to the individual states. When orginally drafting the consitution it in fact addressed outlawing slavery, but the southern states would not agree. Their main goal was to secure a new government. They feared antagonizing the South. Most of them saw slavery as a dying institution with no economic future. They had no way of knowing that in five years the cotton gin would be invented, which would make growing cotton on plantations very profitable. Hal go back and take another history course. THe basic principle which this nations stands for does not include slavery. Equal rights is a diffrent story but your talking torture.
  14. Some of you guys should do some research before you go post crap you dont know anything about. First off it is proven that the Death penalty does not deter crime. In fact as the use of the death penalty increased so did the amount or violent crime across america. And your guys idea of what prison is like is humorous. Most states dont have funding to supply the stuff you say they have like tv, hell most prisons dont even have weights anymore.The only time you see any sort of so called luxury item is in a pre-release center with non-violent offenders. On a side note I would love for one of you to be wrongly accused of a crime and sentenced to death. Then we will see how unfair you think the court system. Granted there are flaws and such but you can blame the politicians for that.
  15. I would just issue a statement of why people are there and not do an interview.
  16. There boy sin sun comes to most of our subaru events. Seems like a nice guy. I'll have to ask him wtf next time I see him.
  17. all I am saying is that its easy to look at it the way you guys do. I would suggest you go and spend time with people who have tried to commit suicide, you will realize that there are factors that lead them to suicide that are out of their control. You cant possilbly understand the mental anguish and pain some people go through to get to that point. Mike I did not mean to disrespect your feelings in anyway. I too have lost love ones to suicide and have delt with many battles myself. Thats all I have to say.
  18. I too am sorry to hear that your dad killed himself, but until you get to that point yourself you dont know what your talking about.
  19. Damn it must be easy to critique someone elses life. For those of you who say its a cowards way out, STFU. It might not be the most honest way to go but you/we have no idea in this situation what caused him to do what he did. Hell maybe its was a simple medication mixup, who knows? In all honesty stick to what you know cause you guys dont know much about what drives people to commit suicide. Its not black and white as you guys see it.
  20. I know many people in this line of work. Ill ask and reply back this weekend.
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