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Everything posted by trbmiata

  1. doing the math could = that she is ugly not saying she is ive never seen her.
  2. A slowmotion customer recently had there turbo 99 civic si stolen- found later that week in Hilliard stripped and burnt.
  3. The video section was brought up by a member not a mod on the fourm. And it will never happen. Fact is they own the site if you dont like how they handle it, dont go on it. Since neither of you know people on the other side of the key board, you cant tell who is posting just to start shit.(aka "Get Some". Plus cavin some people made civilized comments about your car, not talking shit what so ever and you attacked them. Therefore other people on that site will tend to attack you off the bat. Take the internet and e-thugs for what there worth. And Linn your suprised that your mustang post got deleted. Why? I would have view like you were trying to start shit too. Im sure they dont care if they ever have to tune another mustang. Can they? yeah, can other people tune mustang's better? hell ya ofcourse. Im sure they would say the same thing. Plus when your comapring dyno numbers it means absolutly shit. let me see a trap speed diffrence. Dont get me wrong Im not disagreeign with how it was handled, but just showign a diffrent point of view.
  4. Linn why I couldnt agree with you more, you have to realize that lots of things were taken out of contents. It was a matter of time before that got deleted, and you know as much as I that any thread that ends up like that gets deleted on every fourm. You hand more to say then most hence why you got banned. (Which I dont think you should have but something needed done to end that thread). You also have to realize that its a fourm linked to a business, where certain threads might have impact upon a customer therefore topics that get out of hand need deleted and people who cause problems need banned. While you dont have to respect people who take their car to slowmotion and people on there fourm, you should respect the people that work there while on the fourm. Granted I myself dont like many people on that board or like many people that take ther ecar there. Howerever I do like and respect all those who work there. All though you probably dont knwo who I am, dont let this type of shit bother you, you shouldnt even waste your time talking to half those people on that fourm anyway.
  5. yeah and the sad part is he can rap better then them too.
  6. Helping my buddy sell his sisters car. http://columbus.craigslist.org/car/232705735.html
  7. http://www.defamer.com/hollywood/fergie-wetspot.jpg http://www.justjared.com/pictures/2006/03/fergie_birthday_party/thumbs/fergie-birthday-party21.jpg She aint that hot. makeup does wonders. Plus she pissed her pants on stage.
  8. thought the movie sucked but sasha bara cohen was great and the preview for Borat looked funny as hell.
  9. I know neon jon is running one and corey at slowmotion tuned it.
  10. her car sucked a big one. Then she procedded to say that it was her teams fault.
  11. http://img425.imageshack.us/img425/793/ccsuvolleyball9nh.jpghttp://img179.imageshack.us/img179/7963/ccsuvolleyball35ab.jpg http://img425.imageshack.us/img425/4203/ccsuvolleyball47ch.jpg http://img425.imageshack.us/img425/7224/ccsuvolleyball55gg.jpg http://img425.imageshack.us/img425/7099/ccsuvolleyball65ed.jpg http://img425.imageshack.us/img425/3869/ccsuvolleyball74dy.jpg http://img425.imageshack.us/img425/9577/ccsuvolleyball99or.jpg http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/7750/ccsuvolleyball24uq.jpg
  12. http://users.cybercity.dk/~dsl6623/chicks.htm
  13. http://www.consumptionjunction.com/content/detail.asp?id=54223&page=1&type=1
  14. the civic also poped a intercooler hose off in the second race and thought they blew up the motor.
  15. its at the officers descretion. Granted I would chase for a minute and then realizing that I would not catch him I would give up. If you dont stop and a cop dies in a crash chasing you, you deserve anything they can charge with.
  16. dude your truck sucks. I wouldnt let my girl drive that. Come to think of it she wouldnt let me buy it for her.
  17. trbmiata

    Wrc Bred

    Here let me school you to somethings. Subaru was built around rally racing and yes they do hit 100mph on rally courses, plus going sideways it helps. Granted its not the exact same wing it still helps but very little. Its more tradition than anything.Same with the gold wheels. Drag racing as hard as autocrossing. That shit makes me laugh my ass off. And if you really think drag racing is as hard as autocross you must really suck at both because thats the only explanation. As far as 320hp to the wheels, well you dont need anymore than that when you autocross and on a stock turbo 360tq is impressive for that car. No one was bragging about the HP that car makes it was simpley stated for the remarks about a needed exhaust. Im truly glad you will never be driving one so I dont have to see such a jerkoff that is narrow minded driving a car in which they dont deserve.
  18. trbmiata

    Wrc Bred

    Thats my point too. Why make a post about it if you dont like then just STFU. My point is that he attacked the charater of the person that would drive such a car. Like he is above him or the rest of us for that matter. This is simple joe dont know diddley. FYI- the guard is to keep the burn marks of a white car. And that car doesnt have an ounce of rice on it. Here it is. http://richard.safier.com/OVR/tt04022006/target186.html
  19. trbmiata

    Wrc Bred

    This whole thread is retarded along with the thread starter. You have to be an ass hat to come on here with no knowledge of Subaru or what the driver uses his car for. Its an Invida exhaust which is loud but yet creats more HP than most exhuast do for subaurs. His car put down 320HP and 360TQ on a stock turbo which is pretty damn good. Plus he is twice the driver you will ever be. So get off his balls.
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