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Everything posted by kennycoulter

  1. definitly sucks. i have heard stories from my cleveland friends from when you started on the car.
  2. also check sams club. ill probably be headign today, so ill see if they got it, and post price.
  3. i will have to edit this later to list ALL the parts i need. im lookign for some front fenders and the front and rear steel bumpers.
  4. im hopign to start meeting up more, and get together with you guys. i live right off of bethel and kenny rd. i couldnt come out tonight because i MAY have to work at 7 tomorrow.
  5. brilliant!!!!, step 1 :resell, step 2:, step 3: profit.
  6. i am lookign for some late model mustang parts, and all the yards i go to seem to always have the mustangs missing. are there any good places even 100 miles away that anyone knows about that carries a decent amount of mustang parts?
  7. hi. im the guy that didnt talk. i was tryign to look for people that i have talked to before, but my eyes were all dried out from the wind whipping in my sunroof.
  8. im hoping to come. i have not been to this spot yet, but i think i know where it is.
  9. ive been away from them since 8th grade, and i graduated about 7 years ago, but i thought he didnt have adamantium skeletal pieces anymore because of magneto(?)
  10. is this for the 27th? if judging starts at 5, will cars still be around at about 8pm? i hate workign in the middle of the day, and have barely been to any shows since ive moved here.
  11. maybe theyre all mad and on crack now because motown was soo good, but now all the popularity changed to rap. basically rap sucks. ive never been to detroit, and columbus is the worst ghetto ive been to, so i would definitly be scared.
  12. they all have their ups. a mach feels more liek a 5.0 with torque down low, but it just happens to keep climbing. its very predictable power. the o3-04 have just a tiny bit of "lag" then the wheels start to spin like crazy. i think the 93 was only 235 hp(?) with 285-300 tq(?) but you know the aftermarket is there. i always see 94-98 cobras for less money than the 93s go for. 99-01 cobras also have round fogs as well as 03-04. 99 has no "suede" seat inserts. 96-some 99 aluminum blocks are the strongest for high hp, 03-04 easiest to make power. i was thinkign the rear was also heavier duty in the 03-04 with better shafts(?) i think its easy and cheaper to convert a gt or lx into a cobra clone for the fox body, since the engine sint entirely different.
  13. that is pretty cool. would be cooler sticking through the hood like the magnachargers. id be too scared to drive it.
  14. my friend that i have always showed up with lives off of tussing, and i have always seemed to have one follow me, or atleast see 2-4 every time i go down the road. also, friday is cinco de mayo(sp.?) so id be careful of extra cops out looking.
  15. i know there seems to be lots of cops along tussing rd.(by the old sams). ill more than likely be down on friday in the beater.
  16. most go with a k&n fipk average gain with just fipk is supposed to be 25-30 hp. you already have a cat back, so im assuming it should be a little more, and next up would be a pulley and tune. i am un-rich, so im goign to cut up my original airbox and use my drop in k&n and make a wall out of plastic, steel or fiberglass around the filter. peopel sell used pullies for really cheap on http://www.svtperformance.com i would check it out, and post up your densecharger.
  17. they could have saved lots of money just bonging some natty lights. i think maybe they just need to stay and school and take some math classes.
  18. kennycoulter


    please post or email pics. email drywallkilla@columbus.rr.com if you dont want them posted in public. do you frequent svtperformance.com?
  19. i saw lightning as early as 9ish, so i didnt head up. i left my friends house around 12-12:30 when it was rainign really hard, so i only assumed no one was out in that crap.
  20. im repairing it well, ill just check the east side out, and maybe find everyone there.
  21. i have a camera and a outside car mount that i havent used yet if anyone wants to make videos. ive been to hooters a couple times but havent really talked to anyone. if the place is undisclosed, and interest in a video is there, maybe p.m. me the spot. my car isnt very fast to keep up with the good cars, but im sure it would still look good to show how fast all the cars would be takign off away from me.
  22. kennycoulter

    Free Beer

    thats genius right there.
  23. i will probably be in the area, and will be driving the junker if i stop by.
  24. how about if the guy would have just shot him in the leg or arm? i would feel, that if someone stole from me, i would hurt them for not working hard for their own property, and then id take theirs for tryign to take mine. i wouold try to think in the other guy's shoes.....just because the guy was runnign away, doesnt mean he didnt have a gun, and couldnt have come back, or couldnt have fired while runnign away. if you run from the cops, arent they allowed to shoot at you, after they tell you to stop? i dont see why it makes a difference why some peopel have authority in a similar situation, but others wouldnt. if your life was spent working as hard as you could to get where you are and what you have, and someone takes away what you worked for, that seems to make your life worthless.
  25. no what the fuck is that? that pisses me off if that is real.
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