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Everything posted by Veritas

  2. lolol that's so damned awesome hahahahaha
  4. I liked the lines of it back when I saw it. After I found out what it was I looked up info on what they (rotary) engines were and the rest is history. Funny enough, Kenny showed me how stuff works because I remembered he used to rag on them all the time but when I asked him in all seriousness, he showed me the links to some places I could look things up at and two rx-7's later that I put together from the ground up, I'd say i've done well from a movie sparking my interest youngster.
  5. lol I don't even kid myself, I find the series entertaining and the first movie (and Xavier from the rx-7 store) were the reason I have an FD now. lol
  6. I did. Games a fucking blast man. I was all about the original SC also so this is a breath of fresh air for me
  7. 2350 firm. No fmic or radio / amp though.
  8. Veritas

    Male RN

    Being a nurse and a good nurse is a rough thing to stack up to period. The overwhelming amount of people getting their RN's aren't nesc. the best suited for the job, and time will weed them out. Death and dying is a huge piece of it too and people usually have issues with working on cadavers (im doing that right now, fun class and very informative). Do some research and take your time to figure out if this is REALLY want you want to do. The beauty of healthcare in the US is you have a ton of options if you pay attention and do the schooling you need to accomplish what you want to do.
  9. Wow man I can't even imagine. Like someone else said, get that little girl smilin' again.
  10. Safer than limewire...and free for people who don't want to use newsgroups or spend the time to figure out how to use them. I use newsgroups for everything.
  11. SOB. Some sad FD was wanting that T_T grats
  12. Well yeah its safe as far as letting trillions of other people trade small bits of info back and forth but I'm speaking more so to the people using things like limewire. That program is riddled with nothing but fake songs, trojans and virii that want nothing more than to anally rape you and your computer. At the same time. So use good stuff like newsgroups or GOOD torrent sites (like demonoid and a few others out there). Terron
  13. Ooops i've got some too (thought you needed an email addy!) veritas17Xle3teqsosx2xfm3yn1q995hcygy veritas17Xviavfpl51f866gdulscorx4t5uqmsgdsj72 veritas17Xzu72bhb4lxc966uk5gaozo4opxw1x Please start using "safe" communal program experiencing applications or services. Last thing I want to log in here and see if the RIAA or whatever the hell is out there now has nabbed someone.
  14. Hell I've got a demonoid invite free im sure, I've been on there for years now.
  15. Asking if anyone uses limewire is like asking if anyone here fucks hookers. Stop using it and step up to some newsgroup stuff or other means of acquiring info and articles man.
  16. And for that reason alone the majority of the people on here shut him out before he even started. That's really fucking sad and this is the only thing im going to mention in this thread because as history has shown even on this forum, most people who are NOBAMA supporters very, VERY rarely listen to anything with logic or insight and I could be telling you till the cows come home using empirical data that Obama actually came up with the cure for Alzheimer's and it'd still get turned around on here. "Why didn't he come up with it sooner?!" "He didn't REALLY do it, we could have figured it out eventually anyway" "NOCURE for me thank you very much, it's an abomination the amount of money he spent on research!" The majority of you ignorant haters make me sick as hell. And anyone trying to kid themselves by saying it has nothing to do with race is delusional. Just be honest.
  17. FD Rx-7. You have no space at all. About as bad as a corvette. The only way we were able to figure it out was to just lean the seat back as far as possible and get some quick shuffle up stuff going with the johnson with her on top. If I had the touring, that would be impossible since there'd be no head room. lol
  18. Hmm...my old second place I was staying at after being homeless. I had this small ass one bedroom place off westerville road in this house a couple people I knew were renting from their parents. You would think a house wouldn't be that bad of a place... ha. I had NO privacy there from the dad because he felt he was everyones father there. He would randomly pop his head into my bedroom to tell me something and I'd be balls deep in some chick on my stupid little single bed. My bedroom was on point but the rest of the house was a hot mess and they didn't take care of their cat who had fleas so bad, that if you let it in during the summer the fleas would permeate the house and get infested to the point of getting on you when you were just sitting and watching television. That was by far the worst since it was a miracle I ever did get women to fuck me there... lol
  19. I got pulled over in dublin once for looking like I was going fast. Seriously, looking like I was going fast was his direct statement. I received no ticket. I have had several instances of things like that happening where I wasn't in the wrong but just happen to be in Dublin or Newark to get harassed then let go.
  20. Bump, might toss a few bucks at the car but that'll raise the price just a wee bit. We shall see. I just want to fix a couple of the plastic pieces and the handle.
  21. My thoughts go out to you, her husband and her family man. It feels like a lot of people have been leaving us lately.
  22. This hits close to home because I lost a good friend of mine named Larry this past friday due to a massive stroke and his own complications. He was only 47, they both seem way too young to be going out like that.
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