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Everything posted by Veritas

  1. It's in the thread title... $220 for the both of em, not really wanting to split unless someone makes me a nice offer for whatever piece they're wanting.
  2. Well if you'd be able to do it that'd be great since I've gotta sell this one off to justify the stuff for the new build, lol.
  3. Oh and the boxes and the majority of the small bits that came with the mobo like some of the sata cables and things like that.
  4. We've needed more people who know how to make real music to get out there and do it again. I'm getting tired of a lot of this new shit.
  5. I'm upgrading to the i7 processors and need to recoup some of the cash i'm spending on this from my previous system being sold out. Here's the specs for both: http://asus.com/product.aspx?P_ID=fFZ8oUIGmLpwNMjj (Socket 775) One nice bit is this motherboard is capable of doing both ddr2 and ddr3 channel memory. I'm currently running some corsair ddr3 1600 memory in it. Intel Q9450 Processor It has 12 mb l2 cache, 4 cores @ 2.66 ghz. Post if interested, not really wanting to break them up.
  6. Language wise they're pretty set. I had read that same thing verse a while back and never have spoken to babies that way anyways. The woman's tri lingual and I'm bi almost tri so we're going to be hopefully able to teach it english +1 (japanese or french at least some small words) as that's supposedly a good thing to help advance them as well. And as for taking advice... I personally just like hearing how others have dealt with their little ones and being able to see some things thats worked for some but not other people gives me some ideas of things to try or look up or things like that. Besides, you never know when someone could chime in with something you hadn't ever thought of prior so the whole 'village to raise a child' thing works well at least with that particular thing.
  7. Thank you guys. I'm pretty familiar with babies since I had to help raise two of my little cousins (they aren't so little anymore though...) so I wont be a complete novice and god DAMN YOU Rob! He pulled that mess with her with me once and she gave me this look.. lol. The book I shall pick up as I was going thru this one called the expectant father. The baby shower tips and stock piling are things I've now written down, thank you gentlemen.
  8. Completely random and most of you probably had no idea my fiancee` and myself were expecting but our first childs going to be a baby boy!!!!! So uh... the rest of you dad's out there, do you happen to have any suggestions for a new father that I can look out for during this pregnancy? I've got books, im checking out random stuff online and in class but I like hearing from people I know. Heheheh I hope he's into racing like I am. TerRon
  9. Are you guys doing drag racing only? I haven't done much in that game but the first series. I need to find some other people to do that with since my MW2 is being jacked up.
  10. I'm reminded of someone towing people with a particular blazer and cops being involved some time back... whatever happen to those times anyhow? I think if the winter keeps up this track record we should rekindle them ;D
  11. Bump, seeing if anyone was interested still.
  12. I'm down as long as there is some type of a counter-strike:source tourney.
  13. Yeah I just saw this, damn dude. I know death strikes whenever, but 32 of a heart attack if she wasn't doing any drugs to invoke that is just.. sad.
  14. Eh that's a bit on the low side for my taste friend. Trowa - its been updated to the latest kernel already so the jtag trick won't work (Trust me I already thought about it but I needed money more so than expandibility). I replaced the dvd rom drive from a place online and then haven't had much use for it being "normal" (cough). My other systems are my fun ones. ;D
  15. The bare essentials? If she is wanting to run 6 gigs of ram, she can NOT run it with windows 7 32 bit OS. As other people have said, to utilize the full scope of her ram/system in general she needs a 64 bit system because the cap on 32 bit systems is 3.5ish gigs (it depends on what you have set up as far as onboard video usage and what not but that's the cap). It's a silly memory hole that just swallows everything in the 32 bit systems above the 3 gig mark for things like video as I said and other system usage items. I'm wondering when the day microsoft completely phases out 32 bit operating systems or systems that are bound by that archaic structure for something more favorable and with ease of expandability. Plus its cool to say x64.
  16. Hayseus fucking Chrimany are you serious??? HOW THE FUCK DO YOU FUCK THAT UP!??!!!!!
  17. Exactly. The one I've got hasn't ever been touched and I'm local plus doing this on our board, so chances are I'm not trying to screw someone over.
  18. Pm'd fubar (funny enough I sold him the 120 he's using heh) so maybe that will work. Thanks anthony and co.
  19. My little cousin needs a hard drive for her 360 the family pitched in and bought for her and I know some folks out there have upgraded to larger ones so if any of you need to get rid of it let me know, she's 13 and a good kid so I'm trying to do what I can for her christmas this year. TerRon
  20. I've never tried the Valentina before, where can you pick that up at? Oh and everything else he listed here is Win™. TerRon
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