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Everything posted by Veritas

  1. As title says, selling that stuff. Had motherboard about 4 and a half months, purchased a new motherboard so I can do SLI (so obviously this one doesn't do it) Has all the typical, nForce4 chipset, awesome audio etc. http://www.amdreview.com/reviews.php?rev=bfgvnf4 Are the specs of the motherboard etc. Price is 125 for them both. PM or post up if interested. - T.c. Edit: Selling for 70 bucks now just the motherboard, lowered the price etc to hopefully move it.
  2. ... you guys are obviously not very computer savy because if you were you'd know there is no "Pure" nvidia board for their video cards. EVERYTHING nvidia is going to be an 'offbrand' as it were and ati being no exception as far as pure or whatever you wanna say brand card for having problems goes. Just get a well known brand - bfg, Pny etc. as far as the brand name goes and you'll be fine. It just sounds like either his monitor or his card took a dump so investigate both.
  3. I'm with DJ on that one keep the stereotypin crap off man. I may have got into stuff in the past, but i've always made sure to have at the very min. my insurance that covers the other party concerned through geico. CAn't mess around with having to pay off something that's 10k+ outta pocket. Sorry that it happened to you ant. T.c.
  4. anyone here know the name of the welding place he works at so I can find out what time he's comin by? he told me but i forgot :/ it's someplace off bethel...
  5. wow then give me your damn address or phone number
  6. nope its off, i live off alkire road and demorest lets date. when can we get this done?
  7. noi bolt size is fitting right so when can you weld this for me and where are you and what's your number and are you closer than tinman? heh T.c.
  8. Well as the title says I need someone to weld a hole shut on my exhaust. It was a hole made for an egt probe I believe but right now it's not on my current list of concerns. So if anyone out there could just weld something to cover it over i'd appreciate it. Someone in columbus would be great. Thanks! T.c.
  9. keeping it bumped, need to sell the car due to finacial reasons, priced to leave send a pm or aim message to esclavebaby Thanks. T.c.
  10. over near grove city, off georgesville rd and alkire area And looking at it just give me a time etc that you're around we're home pretty much for a while. T.c.
  11. probably doesn't, it just seems like it's not getting quite enough fuel or air, one of the two :/ Could be the air box as we haven't changed that since the engine work done by buckeye, it's just we haven't had time with school and everything else lately to really delve into seeing what's up. Know someone who's interested or something? T.c.
  12. still for sale, know someone out there needs a good warm daily T.c.
  13. 157 views? Come on people. 700 dollars for this car is a steal, I know someone out there could use it and use it happily. T.c.
  14. did you check out my girls murkur? Awesome beater and under 1k. T.c.
  15. last i checked it was at 28, with pewpy alignment, needing injectors cleaned and not so hot tires. T.c.
  16. Bump for a sweet ride RWD ftw! Good daily driver folks, would use it ourselves if we didn't already have a civic. T.c.
  17. bump since buckeye did a shit ton of work to her a few months back
  18. 165+ in an rx-7, could of been faster but wasn't paying close attention to the spedo past that point more focused on the road
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