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Everything posted by Veritas

  1. Well this is the piece I need, it's a gasket that connects from the turbo to the o2 housing on a 1g dsm regular 14b turbo (90). If anyone has that gasket please let me know. Was going to post this on columbus dsm, but you have to be registered for 60 days and i've long lost my old account. http://veritas.thinkbsd.com/images/gasket1.jpg
  2. Veritas

    2jz S2000

    2jzgte ='s supra engine... which ='s pistons... fd3s ='s rotary engine....
  3. im in. Im too big for my age and its gonna start fucking with my health if i don't lose it. So what's the rules?
  4. Hmm, getting into rotaries WILL make you someone who will be working on their car a decent amount. Its just the way of having an older car + how finikey they can be. I've had an FC and an FD and by far the one that gave me the most problems was the FD mostly due to my setup though. But after I got the edges ironed out it wasn't that bad at all (until the accident). The FC was just a breeze to work on IMO due to how much room I had compared to the FD under the hood and just the overall simplicity with electronics etc. Though having a power FC for the FD was nice I think there are some power FC things for the FC as well.
  5. ah cool, we picked up a couple extra things but right now im mostly concerned with just breaking even on it. Sellin' it for just what the stuff cost us. Again though this is more of a "look at the sale section" post.
  6. Ordinarially I wouldn't make a post about an item i'm selling in the parking lot, but because I know some people may be wanting to pick one up before christmas im just directing people towards the garage area since that gets over looked by a lot of people until its too late. <3 Mods don't hit me. T.c.
  7. Ah awesome thanks, mucho appreciated. Wanting to get a decent a-b-c car, we have a honda right now for long trips etc but i'd really like to get a dsm as I miss them. T.c.
  8. Side note thanks Sigman for the heads up, will be checking it out quite soon. T.c.
  9. bump for some justice though i'm thinking its getting pretty low. T.c.
  10. Well title says it all. Wanting either a 1g dsm AWD preferably a talon in decent shape and as close to stock as it can be, or a 2nd gen awd car. Car will be my "fun" and winter car while im waiting for my rx-7 to get fixed for the summer. If any of you guys get any leads let me know please. T.c.
  11. If you think about it from a fiscal aspect, a couple days of waiting ='s at least 1500 dollars. I don't make 1500 dollars in 2 days. The time ='s the money for some. Now, being a responsible adult there's no way in hell I could take a complete day out to go do that. I stood in line for the Wii's pre-order. That was me going to the EB games at like, 6 am, then them opening up at 10. A few hours? Sure, I can do that. But days on end? No. Work/family/life is too important for me to toss it aside for a few days. Now on the other hand, if you were able to get this thing sold for say, 3k? It may be worthwhile for the wait. T.c.
  12. bump, i know we got some computer nerds on here like myself snag this up > T.c.
  13. same here, who's in for going to one of the EBs opening day to get a couple? T.c.
  14. nope agp video card slot, its a last generation gaming rig setup basically. You can pick up a decent agp card for around 100-150 now a days. T.c.
  15. Title says it all. Selling this system so I can update and get a newer proc. Selling it all for 250 obo, have box+materials for mobo as well. T.c.
  16. Hot damn what's with the rx-7's getting wtf jacked by dumbasses this summer? Mike, myself, now I hear that Steve's car is messed up? Christ. Mike if you can use something from my car let me know, i've about got the insurance thing worked out $$ wise so soon ill be able to work out parting the car. Let me know man. T.c.
  17. Thanks drag knee. The other guy is trying to claim I ran some red light some how and hired a lawyer, so I did the same. He's trying to wessel getting outta the thing but im not letting him. Long story with why the officer couldn't put at fault but basically he ran on foot, i tried chasing him, lost him, I called the police told them where I was etc, he apparently went back to the scene and the cops never showed up at the location I was at for a few hours (which wasn't far away at all) so I just walked home because I was in pain and called the police later to let them know such. So the cop cited me for running away from the scene of the accident even though I was the one who told the police where I was, what happened, my name phone number etc. But she couldn't place at fault after finding out through the phone records that what I said WAS the truth. Anyways the whole thing makes me mad as hell and as far as insurance goes the car only had liability because if anyone knew me and how I was working with the car it was just sitting in the garage/court for the longest time not moving. We had to save some money somewhere so that's where we decided to do it at. I only recently had the car working, we're talking 2 weeks or so at best and I had just thought earlier that day ya know it'd be a good thing to get the insurance upped with all the kids and 3f3f around now a days. T.c.
  18. And i did have a AAA thing with my phone but they screwed me out of my uses. T.c.
  19. It's totalled. Long story which I don't want to go back into again but a guy hit me on holt road doing 70ish at alkire. T.c.
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