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Everything posted by Veritas

  1. Well as the title says I need a tow company to pick up my rx-7 from the whittier impound lot in columbus. I need one today so im asking on here first to see if anyone has or know of a good one. If not im going to have to use shamrock to have them flat bed my car. Any leads would be great so post up if you can. T.c.
  2. Kuruma what's your aim name or phone number? PM me yours and mines 614-305-3089. Talk to ya soon about what time you're coming up tomorrow. T.c.
  3. Tried calling the number but it didn't work. T.c.
  4. Hey that's great yeah come on over I'll hold off on the junk yard this weekend. Give me a call (614) 305-3089 i'll be around and we'll tell you how to get here though it's pretty simple. T.c.
  5. ah I think that was who it was that I was speaking about, thanks clark. T.c.
  6. I can't remember the guy who I spoke with but he does great paint jobs on here from what I remember. Problem is I can't remember who it was I spoke with on a couple occasions he was busy back then and we were going to meet back up to talk out what to do but then I just lost touch with him and I don't have his cell # or name anymore as I lost the cell phone I had that on. Ah damn I think his shop for painting was in one of supra mark's garages but I totally can't remember. If anyone on here knows the fellow or knows of someone else who is good at it let me know would ya? T.c.
  7. Welp now does anyone know how I can get a tow or junk yard to get rid of the car? Hadn't need to do that. T.c.
  8. Plus if someone was interested or know of someone like mike did they can post here or if the other person wants some side work say something to me in the thread im not going to chase someone else down because what i want goes in the rear of my car and isn't going to be the kind of box people get made often it's not even like yours, the one I had in mind had a single speaker against where our back flip down wall is and i've already got diagrams etc how to make it im just not the building type of person and I don't have the things i'd need to make it nor the space right now. Im sorry if I came off defensive but like I said im not one for having others telling me what I can and can't afford if they don't know me (the woman knows me well enough if i need to get smacked down a notch sometimes though). So I apologize jesse. T.c.
  9. I don't have any issue paying someone what their work is worth by any means. Mike has helped me quite a bit and if he had demanded to get more money or what not i'd of had no problem just handing him random bits of cash. I just don't like people saying what I can or can't afford especially if they don't know me and also if I haven't said or did anything to yield such a comment. T.c.
  10. And to the person before you that posted I can't get a generic box I have to have something made specifically for my car that's why im trying to find someone who could fab one up for my car. T.c.
  11. I can't "Afford" you? Uh? Pretentious much. If you did good enough work i'd pay you what its worth, I just don't like CCA. Never been a big fan. And even if you are that good, how on earth do you know if I can or can't afford you? I haven't done anything for this car until I know i've got the cash to do it, when I couldn't I just let the car chill out. When I start asking questions about things im ready to start buying stuff, thanks anyways. T.c.
  12. Hmm what's his number or something then so I can chit chat with em? T.c.
  13. Oh and I have some diagrams of the setup that has been done before I just lack the know-how or space. T.c.
  14. Welp I'm wanting to get a sub enclosure box or a box setup to put a couple 6x9's in the back of the rx-7. Nothing huge that's why someone would have to be pretty good seieng the space I have and how much I want it actually taken up. If anyone on here is able to let me know, I don't like the prices that cca charge for things so im coming here first. T.c.
  15. Yeah sounds good. What time will you be around say tuesday/wednesday? T.c.
  16. Welp title says it all. Looking for an MBC to pick up as i don't wanna do the whole make your own thing again since I think i messed mine up:P T.c.
  17. I liked the movie quite a bit. The story wasn't garbage, they didn't really "over-do" anything either. The guy who was the protag's accent reminded me of a few people on the board here T.c.
  18. Alright, welp it's going to the scrap heep then. So sad people couldn't be bothered with a couple hundred bucks for a car:( T.c.
  19. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18548
  20. Selling for 350, someone has to put 150 into this thing to get it out on the road again. A two new tires a battery and have some fun. T.c.
  21. Well damn I wish I had of known about this offer six months ago, the car has been sitting for eons in our garage. Still trying to sell it, wanting to get it outta my garage rather quickly if possible. T.c.
  22. why on earth do you run 94 only on that? Why not 93? T.c.
  23. started driving in 98, hmm that's a lie i was driving when i was 16 in 96, i didn't bother to get my liscense until I was 18... But anyways in 96-98 gas prices we're anywhere from .78's(rarely) to .93 (Which was an OUTRAGE). I'd KILL for under two dollars now. T.c.
  24. cars ugly as sin and doens't remind me anything of what the evo is about. T.c.
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