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Everything posted by Veritas

  1. nods, and thanks evan/mike for towing my car umpteen times.
  2. Nope, all the pieces I bought I bought seperately or people gave to me. I had to send the stock y pipe i had off to get extended by brian at BNR because I found out my turbos weren't a stage 2 set, they were stage 3 twins. Once i got that settled I was pretty much golden. I need to finish doing my hoses, I have like 4 error codes I need to fix as well. Ordered my pfc tonight so hopefully i'll get that in later this week. All in all the experience has been rather annoying. But hearing the car fire up for the first time... yeah that made it worth it. T.c.
  3. Just thought i'd post up and say I got my rx-7 running finally, I wasn't getting fuel or spark, but as it turned out I just didn't have the fuse for the ecu. (was blown to shit) Anyways, I just thought id say thanks to Mike(rotarded) and the rx-7 store for assisting me in getting the car to where it's at now. Had it not been for Mike, my ride would still be sitting dorment. And of course to my girlfriend (Murasaki/Emily) because had it not been for her I wouldn't of had the car, nor my better half to calm me the hell down when things weren't going quite right. (the trip to get the car.) Thanks to everyone who lent an ear/hand/tool for me to throw. T.c.
  4. Thanks. Ftw! Yes its just smoke from oil burning off that got spewed out when the car wasn't actually turning over. Long story. Anyways yeah im pretty happy about it to say the least. I'll be tweaking it the next couple days to get it where I want it then I should be good to go. Mike from the Rx-7 store helped out a shit ton when it came to getting this car running, had it not been for his assistance i know the thing STILL wouldn't be running like it is now. Thanks Mike. T.c.
  5. My car finally runs! Got the car running today. It was a stupid fuse that was stopping the ecu from working and causing the car obviously to not work at all. Now I just have to track down a couple codes I have and I should be good. Oh yeah, explaining the sock: i don't have the right tubing yet for the intake,so to prevent anything bad going in, I used a sock to filter while i started it up. Getting the proper tubing tomorrow from my friends setup. T.c.
  6. Veritas

    Old people!

    tunnel vision, old people and apparently a large percentile of females have it. Ima get reemed for that one.
  7. Maro - what's your aim name so i can shoot the crap with you about getting a privi for match play? And also...the ip above doesn't work for whatever reason. T.c.
  8. cool, my source team could use a match server tongue.gif we'll talk, ill come and play on fight club
  9. bah was wanting to get some price wars goin between local shops too :/ ah well tongue.gif
  10. er? What's their # because i'd like to find some prices out on a few things for my 7.
  11. sounds fine to me tongue.gif (ref. to buckeyes comment) but seriously that's really, really damn lame. Who the fuck thought up the term for that also? "Extreme driving"? Wtf? Sounds more like just some dumbass kids doing stupid shit. No reason to ruin it for everyone else > redface.gif [ 26. May 2005, 03:05 PM: Message edited by: Veritas ]
  12. The way the engine/tranni mate together you get it to a certain point and you just litterally DONT have the leverage to pull the two together any longer, and it's not a huge space im talking something like milimeter (at least when i did mine). Sorry to hear bro:( T.c.
  13. I find it funny that it wasn't just a guy who was doing this. lol. What the hell were they thinking that lighting ... i can't even finish typing that out it sounds too dumb to put into words. I mean i hope their ok but still how fuckin' stupid can you be? LOL T.c.
  14. wow that picture of joe is classic, had completely forgotten
  15. tongue.gif I just said fuck it, the bitch wasn't worth me getting all up in arms over that's for damn sure. I have 49021931 other things I can be investing my time/energy in not some silly hoe. T.c.
  16. Veritas

    Mr. Wright

    Remember the Fonz from happy days? Who do you think taught the fonz that "hey!!" move? Yep. Tj. T.c.
  17. yeah see, the people who were dressed up as starwars characters, you can't really fault so much because well it IS a huge ass movie. The people Chris saw were still there, and they weren't even trying to go to the movie they were playing some randomly weird LARP thing that had nothing to do with starwars. Some jocks in the line kept making fun of them then eventually went out there and tried to fight them with their own swords. I was like ....wow. Just, wow. T.c.
  18. Veritas

    Hey Orion,

    uh... tombstone?
  19. Veritas

    girls are shit

    Well let me ask ya this, was he a quasi un feeling cock the majority of your relationship? If so you've just got your answer.
  20. Veritas

    girls are shit

    You know he's right. Dunno what the fuck it is but the nice guys get screwed, they turn into dicks and then they DO get screwed. That phenomena is just completely mind boggling to me. +1 Quoted for great justice.
  21. So, people, who all went and saw it tonight? If you didn't, no biggie but the movie was SERIOUSLY fuckin' sweet. The fight scenes were just damn cool looking and the acting this time around didn't make you want to cut your eyes out. Post up your thoughts/favorite scenes. Plus the previews were good for the fantastic 4, looks worth watching. T.c.
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