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Everything posted by Veritas

  1. holy crack head ricky bringing it back old skewl
  2. Veritas


    yeah it's old, but i still think it's funny man. T.c.
  3. I've seen him at CSCC one day when I was leaving class. He parked his car right outside nestor hall trying to make it look all sweet. If I was thinking at the time, I would of drove my rx-7 and parked it right in front of him just for shits and giggles. And if I remember correctly it is a slow POS GS or something of that nature, not a GS-t or X. Still have the picture of it on my camera phone too. T.c.
  4. calling the cops ='s teh win. And like they said earlier, don't even fess up to anything unless it's brought to you. No need to drag unwanted attention to you anymore than need be. Teenage kids can be quite an annoyance especially if they're annoyed/restless and just don't care. T.c.
  5. already bought it. Finally something i can just toss hp at.
  6. Veritas

    One Time Deal

    I am with lustalbert, I think either one of those would be the win. With infinite knowledge, jesus fuckin' christ id be unstoppable. Second thought I'd rather have the pluggin thing attached to my head and download everything, 24 hours. We're talking full knowledge of everything, CIA secrets, history, all of it. In my head. I'd win. T.c.
  7. check your memory like anthony said, a stick at a time. If it continues, check for power issues. If you have a lot of hard drives/cd rom drives what have you, try unplugging a couple that are needed to test what the issue is. If after a while you do the same thing that you were doing with it rebooting and it doesn't, then it's a power supply. If it STILL does the same stuff, try the heat thing by taking off your case side and putting a fan on it directly to see how much it affects it. If none of those things solve crap, then start thinking hard drive. If you replace the HD and it does the same shit yet again, then your mobo is just going down the tubes but usually random reboots are the above mentioned. T.c.
  8. what's wrong with tommy boy climbing the everest? Shoot, more power to the lad I like his movies. T.c.
  9. someone post the year book picture, this shit i wanna see myself and I don't even know her. I had a girl that I was in the same class with who went into playboy, but for the life of me I never got to see the pics T.c.
  10. Veritas

    World Of Warcraft?

    yeah if you go to the shattered hand lemme know your name so i can toss a few gold your way and help start you out right etc.
  11. Veritas

    World Of Warcraft?

    I play on the the shattered hand as a horde, it's nifty. Emily and a few others play there, it's a PVP server for shizzle. T.c.
  12. hey fucker keep on topic fords, gays and christianity > redface.gif
  13. Ignorance breeds ignorance. I was a Jehovah's Witness, sometime ago. As far as following the rules to a T 90% of the time, I don't think you can get more strict. No where in the bible does it say to harass someone who's not of the same faith and or ideal as you are. It says to go preaching to all those around you, do you personally go spreading the word of god(being that if you believe in the bible it is)? Do you personally tell your friends/neighbors/co-workers off hours about the bible and his kingdom? I can point out quite a few scriptures where it says you're supposed to go and do that, and I can pretty much bank you more than likely don't. Not to mention the fact your view point up there, COMPLETELY goes against what God/Jesus put forth back in the bible anyways. Are you familiar with the land owner and his two sons? One went away did a bunch of wrong doing, came back and was let back into the fold by his father with open arms. How the hell would you expect someone if they were gay and did feel like changing to the christian faith to ever be accepted then? By what you just said everyone should be condemend who's currently sinning now. Your views are ignorant, dated and sorely misplaced. T.c.
  14. im off georgesville rd., it'd have to be after 6pm because i don't get off work until 5 T.c.
  15. Veritas


    id like to buy a tube off you if you still have it, would go good in the girlfriends car
  16. ill buy it friday, when can we hook up?
  17. Veritas

    Computer Games

    Rane apparently is on the drugs because lineage2 is a huge ass time sink with not nearly enough pay out. Hands down mmorpg that's kicking the markets ass right now is World of Warcraft (Wow). If you like rpg's, ffxi and WoW are your top picks. If you like FPS, go for Halo since you like halo for xbox. Check out www.steampowered.com for getting half-life 2 silver package or what not so you can get counter-strike source as well. Prettiest and most versitile fps engine out there right now. Doom3 has way too many requirements and very very little multiplayability to even be considered in the running. What other types of games are you into? There's a huge market out there man. T.c.
  18. Veritas

    It's a GIRL!!!

    that's awesome man. congrats
  19. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8047423/ People are stupid. T.c.
  20. And thanks to keith for allowing me to use his garage for the 2+ weeks whenever I needed. Damn how many more people do I need to thank? I feel like i did win an award, snicker. T.c.
  21. i just don't understand why she didn't get out of the vehicle, THE FIRST TIME he asked her. How hard is that? And he had a "gun" aimed at her and she STILL didn't get out. ... graemlins/nonono.gif
  22. Wease is right about the medical field, i'm at cscc right now getting my classes under me for my RN. The thing is, look at an industry that's NEVER going to go away. Will people ever stop getting sick? No. Will we always need doctors/nurses etc to work on us when we have accidents/get old/dying/give birth? Yes. Above all though, it's your dime right now so take your time in looking at the advantages of going into what you're wanting to go into. Don't sell yourself short.
  23. the stellar attitudes of nascar are what bugs me. :| It's just not worth it to me :/
  24. video was boring. True story, 12's are just the norm for like 65% of this forum now. Ill give the truck credit, getting something that large into 12's is impressive but still nothing to go hooping and hollaring over. :/ T.c.
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