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Everything posted by Veritas

  1. You go outside and do something non-computer related you nerd
  2. That's the reason why I'm a fan of them because you can do it at home without having to worry about someone else seeing you if you're self conscious or anything like that. I got the spindle so give me a bit and ill have them together this week so people can come down and meet up with me at random.
  3. Oh yeah and I also have a lift trainer that I'm working with now as well to help with some muscle gain in specific places. So if people need to learn some good exercises that way I can shed a bit of light as well.
  4. Im going to go pick up a spindle of dvd's tomorrow to make sure I have appropriate backups in case I lose any. http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff286/nfforums/NF%20smilies/tomaflirt.gif
  5. For the p90 workout all you need is some dumbbells. For the p90x yes, you need a pullup bar but the one from beach body is actually pretty sweet for $60 bucks. It doesn't require anything but a door jam frame bit and that's good enough for me.
  6. NICEEEE!! That's what you gotta do man. Bit at a time.
  7. I actually have no idea what the diet plan is for the p90 workout plan but I can get a copy of it for you. I have been following a different dietary means (ala just not eating shit) but am going to be following the p90x diet for these next two weeks then starting in earnest per the guide rigidly till december 22nd. As for the switching of discs, we just did sweat 1-2/sculpt 1-2 for the better part of a couple months. Doing it every day you will be ready for 3-4 more than likely after amonth and a half easy. Once on 3-4 for a while you may start getting bored and not feeling nearly as worked and THATS when you swap to p90x I'd think. The routines after a while become like second nature so it requires some keeping focused and just setting a time aside a night to do what you need to do. Give me a few and ill have something up for you Sully as far as the diet goes.
  8. Veritas


    What ass? There's no damned ass in this thread except the ones towards the bottom - show us the original!
  9. I didn't know if anyone here happened to have a spare report they wouldn't mind letting me snag for my car by chance? If not that's alright, just figured I would ask here first.
  10. What Eli said. Follow both the diet AND the workout plan and you will look like one of the success stories you hear all the time, period.
  11. Veritas

    GT5 updates

    Oh yeah I'd need a ps3 to play too, forgot about that.
  12. As a point of reference also with my weight loss - me 2005/2007 http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs336.snc3/29407_388915341990_648896990_4481680_1856439_n.jpg http://hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs336.snc3/29407_388915346990_648896990_4481681_7192169_n.jpg I was around 330 in this one. Me back in April or May of this year - http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs312.snc3/28257_404498041990_648896990_4882794_6628475_n.jpg And there's quite a huge difference from me from May of this year to now. So we'll see how much I'll get to change before the years out.
  13. Yup and that's what the p90 series (x, masters, regular p90) tries to do for people is change their lifestyles, not so much just temporary shifts. I stopped eating a lot of fast food back when I first lost the majority of my weight and cut pop out and all that. Now I actually need to start eating MORE because I just sorta... stopped. I'll forget to eat sometimes or get sidetracked with whatever else is going on during the day and will look up to the time to see its almost 11pm or something and I haven't ate a thing all day. But other than that diet wise just be smart and things will work out well
  14. Not a problem, I've got photos of myself from the start of P90 till now which is a very notable thing but i'll be documenting this go around pretty heavily. I've got a goal in mind for christmas, so far i'm on the right track but we shall see how this X does and how hard it works me.
  15. The P90 system itself was made before P90x and is a LOT more low key. If you'd like me to show you a bit of what the workouts are, I can bring the dvd with me somewhere and show you what I mean. P90X is the more intense movements, longer workout session. As a point of reference, my fiancee' just gave birth to our son May 5th from an emergency C-section and she is on the later part of the P90 workouts, almost to the X and has been doing it for a couple months now. So I say if someone like her who got up to a pretty hefty size with the kid which is to be expected and not being able to really do much of anything for about 12ish weeks (6-8 weeks for her to be able to move around without worrying of ripping anything and another 4 to feel quasi normal again), you can as well - especially if you're already training with someone
  16. Veritas

    GT5 updates

    You killed it for me right there. Forza please, thank you.
  17. So I was trying to find out if theres anyone else out there who wants to do it with me by chance? And I'd like to see this as a group effort if possible. You don't have to actually do the workouts with me but we could converse about what plans were doing or shit like that to help motivate each other on a whole which makes doing this a lot easier as well as having good support working throughout the process. If you don't have the P90x stuff or aren't quite up to the X and want to start at the Power 90, let me know. I have backups I can 'loan' people should the need arise of both. I have lost a shit ton of weight and anyone here who's seen me the past couple months can atest to that. So lets get some posts up on who's interested and we can go from there.
  18. Veritas


    North Adult education with columbus public schools should be able to direct you to the right place.
  19. I'd be interested. When can I take a peak at it? Would be looking to pick it up pretty soon if its not bad off.
  20. That's the part I don't get. Why didn't the person recording the whole thing stop her? People are just fucked up.
  21. Still far too easy to go straight to him, and way too easy for him to lie and say that it wasn't him. Regardless how you shape it, your suggestion is fail. Take a copy of the letter you have to the office if it says the 13th and just bitch until you get someone high enough who can cut the payments off that they want you to make after the fact.
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