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Everything posted by black00ws6

  1. tonights workout.. 20mins/20 reps of squat cleans - 85% of max then 500m row 7 thrusters with double 54 kettlebells 5 rounds for time
  2. Machines make life easier, stay away from them If she enjoys the rower then she's not rowing hard enough. Next time, try rowing a 2000m as fast as you can
  3. Um.. last workout I did on monday was... 30-20-10 of... Squat clean thrusters with 95lbs burpee pull-ups for time. Ran 6 miles last night, no weights
  4. Cool.. where at? If the set we were looking at is still on sale then we're almost 100% buying
  5. photoshop and opacity make a duplicate layer.. turn the opacity down and erase all that is needed on the top layer
  6. That was honeymoon expense, talking about how much the wedding cost
  7. less than 1k for our wedding.. Married on a beach in Maui, would do again in a heartbeat.
  8. I think my wife and I are buying new front loaders this week.. I'll let you know, since we'll be selling our old
  9. He buys before he thinks.... DOH
  10. played it.. beat the game.. done with it. 40 bucks
  11. I have a room bigger than that in our basement and have a 73in DLP.. Perfect size and great picture(plus great prices now). We have a theater room that is hardly used, room is about 30x15 with 114in screen, I wouldn't want to use it for daily/nightly use. Usually watch for big sports events or an occasional movie. I need to update the projector to 1080p so if anyone has recommendations, let me know. Of all the TV's we have, I think the sony XBR4 or the new samsung LED has the best picture and clarity of all
  12. Try 40-30-30 40% carbs 30% protein 30% fat People on diets need to get it out of their head that eating fat is bad for you.. Eating fat is essential to BURNING fat. Not animal fat though (butter, cow fat, pig fat, etc), I'm talking about omega 3 fats, the fats in avacados, salmon, walnuts, olive oil and others. Monosaturated fats in the diet make us feel "fuller" and decreases the rate that carbs are absorbed in the blood. Slow carbs absorbed means lower insulin levels which means less fat stored.
  13. I would stay away from "whole grains".. trying eating a half an avacado with your chicken along with cupfuls of veggies. On a calorie to calorie basis, whole grains are not as good source as fiber as people think when compared to eating the same amount in fruits/veggies (calorie wise). With that chicken breast eat half an avacado, a cup of brocoli, a cup of carrots, and a cup of spinach. Much more vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, calcium, etc, etc, etc than having whole grain rice/taco... plus a lot more food for the same or less calories
  14. I'm a Krav Maga/CrossFit trainer for Ohio Krav Maga. We are opening a new gym right off polaris so that would be close to you, as well as the one we have in Gahanna. Free classes on Saturday the 30th if you want to come try. http://ohiokravmaga.com/OKM-LewCtrGrandOpen-web.pdf For diet.. look up the paleo diet. Lean protein, nuts, berries, fruits and veggies. Or think about buying and eating only things on the outer loop of the grocery store(except for dairy). Stay away from all processed/boxed food. As for working out.. Look up CrossFit. Stay away from isolation, just do compound movements. http://library.crossfit.com/free/pdf/CFJ-trial.pdf The philosophy behind CrossFit: Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.
  15. How did it break?? red ring? my hacked one red ringed about 6 weeks ago, I just bought a kit on ebay for 15 bucks and fixed it myself.
  16. Got one.. I bought a 2nd one to play on live since my orig was banned. Played it for maybe 4 hours total and it's been sitting in the closet ever since. I've had this for probably about 2 years, bought it about a month before they came out with HDMI hookups. $100?
  17. Bah.. paid about 12k total last year.. probably the same this year. Put it on the ol credit card for airline miles.
  18. up... make offer if anyone wants
  19. dang.. my wife kicks ass.. she didn't bitch or complain her entire pregnancy. Make her ass workout too! Mine worked out 2 days before our daugther was born. Another thing.. EAT HEALTHY. Have her take omega 3 fats as this is proven to help develop the babies brain.
  20. mike.. lemme know who you use.. I want our entire basement redone since it looks like shit from my attempt
  21. In the first 6 months of our daughters life, we've learned... stock up on diapers.. they go through about 15-20 a day. Don't let them sit in their own piss or shit long as that will cause rashes. like said before.. stock up on the ass wipes. You'll use a ton of these. if your wife breastfeeds, then that will be free food for the baby for the first 6 months. We took no classes, the nurses go through everything at the hospital Everyone will be telling you it's so hard, so much work, blah blah blah.. it's not at all. Just remember this time will not last forever so enjoy every moment Congrats!
  22. Congrats! It's awesome! really? did you even know her at her 7th birthday? OWNED
  23. Blair's reserve hot sauces.. Has the actual best "taste" of any pure heat sauces that i've had. Only 1 drop in a bowl will do, they vary from 2 to 16 million scovilles. http://blairshotsauce.com/
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