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Everything posted by AngryBMW

  1. 1. The Creepy ass BK King 2. Mark Knisley 3. Leonardo DiCaprio <-- No idea how to spell his name. -Marc
  2. Is this trip going to be taking place June 13-17 by chance -Marc
  3. You have to be a member to view them in a larger size... -Marc
  4. If you go, request Zach Mahoney as your server. He will treat you well. -Marc
  5. Fuck that guy. I hope he feels like a real tough guy. -Marc
  6. They look great Kevin; thank you very much. -Marc
  7. God damnit...you bastards were not supposed to leak the bimmerz numbers. -Marc
  8. Hey, looks like you were more missed than you thought! What the hell have you been doing man? Great to have you back. -Marc
  9. Matt, with that pig out of the way when do you want me to bring my money pit over? -Marc
  10. QFTFT God I hate internet speak. -Marc
  11. Derrick died of dysentary... I love oregon trail -Marc
  12. Congrats, and the hat is perfect. -Marc
  13. Thank you good sir. Got-Busa? - I'm sorry I didn't clairify myself so that know-it-all ass clowns such as you could understand. My bad. -Marc
  14. Well, that guy on here with the Doge factory supercharged '06 that made 63xrwhp raced a brand new stock Z06 and said the vette kept up very nicely. -Marc
  15. Sure. You did a great job last year. Are you bringing your car? -Marc
  16. Wait...hold the fuck on. You're home? Beer this weekend? -Marc
  17. GOD DAMNIT WHY COULDNT YOU BE SELLING THIS AFTER I SOLD MY CAR??!! Good luck man, I wish I could do it. -Marc
  18. I have a bike...now sure if it would be worth dynoing or not but I would love to come out. -Marc
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