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Everything posted by AngryBMW

  1. I was here. And honestly, if that is the case it is HIS problem...let him worry about it. Jealousy is a bitch... -Marc **Cavin, I want a cookie. I'll PM you my address. **
  2. That's exactly what I thought when I first called, but after FILLING IT in 3 days without touching the basement I realized that it was a great investment. I think they charge 5 bucks for every additional day but I doubt you will need it. Depending on how much shit you have to get rid of you might want to ask about having it dumped mid-week. I really didnt think that we would fill it so it might be worth your time. -Marc
  3. Yes you can...stop being a cheapass. -Marc
  4. Chris, I just used AJ Containers. They droped off a regular size dumpster and will pick it up anytime within the next two weeks for 285 dollars. Great service, and very prompt. Their number is 937-349-7355. Make sure you tell them that you are dumping household goods. HTH. -Marc
  5. Quoted for truth. Unlike that poster child for abortion (fat kid with civic), you and I are adults and can handle our shit. -Marc
  6. You got the percentage wrong. -Marc
  7. You havent seen Bwright in awhile have you? -Marc --->fuck you adam
  8. I think supra marK is out of town... Dickhead. -Marc
  9. Fuck you...I never had a mullet! And I was 15 when we first started hanging out. -Marc
  10. Damn...I was worried what pictures you were going to post. -Marc
  11. AngryBMW


    Yeah...that Miller guy is a fuck. Let's all call him gay or something... -Marc
  12. This is def the place to go. -Marc
  13. 1. You spelled my name incorrectly. Winner. 2. What's even more funny is how fast you jump on me about it being an insult. I don't recall that night being made common knowledge due to what your insurance company might and might not know, and no names were mentioned. Don't worry Brett; everyone is out to get you! So, since we aren't allowed to talk about some of CR's negative memories, lets move onto Tilley's Altezzas...Or when Kyle's 7 was bone stock. -MarC
  14. How about the night someone went 'drifitng' into the light pole at Gahanna? Or the night d-bag in his Mustang came racing back towards everyone at Gahanna and jumped the curb? -Marc
  15. It's his girlfriends car. -Marc
  16. I saw it, and it was badass. -Marc
  17. Sam was spraying while heading down the straight away, and then started seriously spinning in the snow...freaking classic. -Marc
  18. HERE WE GO STEELERS HERE WE GO!! Watch Porter...I'm predicting 2 solo sacks from him alone. -Marc
  19. I don't consider you an elder due to the facts being (a) we are from the same generation and (b) share the same consumer demographic. Bitch. -Marc
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