Well for most of my life I have been having issues where I would go through the day and fall a sleep at any time, around my family, friends, and even work..almost loosing my job, also while driving. Well finaly I got sick of being yelled at, and went to my doctor and told him that I have been having trouble staying awake throughout the day. He told me that he was 100% sure I had sleep apnea, and decided to send me to a sleep clinic. Well as it turns out when I sleep at night, I never fall into a REM sleep "Rapid Eye Movement" deep sleeps where you are supposed to be, instead I would actualy stop breathing 84 times! When I heard that I could not believe it...and came back for another test because the doctors could not even believe it. But on my 2nd test came back the same.
Who would have known that all these years I would have had something like this and to think even to check it!
Anyway I now have a CPAP machine to help me breath through the night when I sleep, and I have been on this machine for a week now and I have NEVER felt this good in my intire life. My wife is so happy now that I am not lying around the house and nodding off driving my car anymore etc. I am more active throughout the day, and also within the last week I have even thought of some ideas that may be able to pattened at my work, some new CRAZY ideas that just popped in my head to help the molding processes at Columbus Steel. My manager see's the new improvment in my work ethic and I am doing more everyday.
So in short. I suggest if you have health insurance at your work and have the same symtoms as stated above...go and see your doctor and just maybe you can get the same help I did...I feel so happy to be alive!!!
Thanks for reading and God Bless everyone!
Daniel Weaver