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Everything posted by ChevyMan1972

  1. I will take on anyone here....just name the time and place and I will be there.... PM me anytime Dan
  2. I can round up enough parts to build a Keith Black Hemi grill....now that would be awesome!! Dan
  3. I know its rush silly! I should have worded it another way Daniel
  4. Everyone, I just did a search on google vid's for "Neil Peart" and if anyone know who this guy is hands down the best freakin jammer. He makes it look so easy! I looked at most of the drum solo's on google and there are some good ones for sure but he win's hands down Just thought I would share... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6250430926403337645&q=Drum+solo&total=25866&start=20&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=6 Daniel
  5. Project update.... Well....car has been at my friends frame shop fo 2 months Everything checks out on the gauges frame rack, but when you try and close the hood its still looks like its krooked we dont have any Idea what to do from here, it almost looks like you need a special set of gauges to pull this car, and it was hit harder than I 1st thought... Anyone know if a good frame repair man that could give me some ideas here? Thanks, Daniel
  6. That is a Tony Croson video! He should market that.... Dan
  7. Just wanted to post this here and see if anyone had an Idea on why my speakers keep on breaking? Right around the outside rubber and the cone keeps cracking, I am on my 2nd piece and I wasnt sure if I may be doing something wrong, I dont kill these things I have a very clean amp that pushes them under the distortion limit.... Any help with this? Thanks, Daniel Weaver
  8. COLTS.....COLTS.....and more COLTS From what I heard thats all that goes on in Clevland ;P Dan
  9. Does anyone here know where we can find a used slip-on of some kind for CBR 929 or 954? Or something close that we may fabricate to fit? Thanks, Daniel Weaver
  10. Well, I was getting tired of listening to the same old cd's over and over and went to best buy today. Well I like all kind's of music, but for the heck of it picked up the new Paul Wallz album. Well, got the music tuned in just right and let me say its one of the most hardest hitting cd's I have ever bought! Can you believe my little 10" M class Memphis Audio sub's in the .50 cu ft box broke my windshield today...HOLY HELL!!! I have built a lot of car systems in my time and this one is the loudest yet so far Just thought I would share... Dan
  11. Well when I got started it was $49 a month. But now to join I think its $69? Not sure... Dan
  12. Hello, I was wanting to know if there was anyone on here that has a membership at the Golds Gym in New Albany? I have been a member since they opened up last month. Thanks, Daniel Weaver
  13. cool I know having a family myself. I have 3 children and try and do things as well Dan
  14. I live in sunbury and have been working on DSM's for a long time. Funny thing is I have never seen your car or have met you? Hope to see ya around sometime! Dan
  15. I am not a novice rider there chump, just because it is going to be my 1st bike I bought, I can handle it... Dan
  16. BTW I think I have found my bike....02 Gixer 1000 1250 miles on it! I think that is the way to go for me, except its a crotch rocket jap bike....LOL!! I think dad will not be able to keep up Dan
  17. What ever you do dont put a deposit on that bike and, go to pick it up and its gone....been there done that Dan
  18. We make the steel castings on both ends of those machines. Dan
  19. remember...what I stated above, told dad about the 929 and how I liked it and he rolled his eyes. I just want to keep the peace in the family and get something conservitive. Dan
  20. I can't look at the vid here at work, but I will check out the review tonight when I get home. But I am a big guy 280 lbs and I dont want anything smaller than what I am looking at right now. But thanks for the help! Dan
  21. Well, I got my 1st time to ride a bike up to Norwalk this weekend and I can now say I AM HOOKED! Rode a 02 CBR 929RR. But talking to dad and he is trying to talk me out of that much power. So with him building a custom harley I was thinking of this? http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/weavedan/2004-Buell-FireboltXB12Rc.jpg This bike has just over 100 hp and looks sweet as hell I must say! Any thoughts? Thanks, Daniel Weaver
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bAN7Ts0xBo enough said! Dan
  23. I am around.....dont get a chance to go to Jeg's because of new family etc. at home but I see you around everywhere and you just look at me and never say hi dan
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