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Everything posted by ChevyMan1972

  1. Can someone help me with a nice looking lower front valance like this one? But this is from Sportec and damn is it expensive!!! But OMG its sexy http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/weavedan/005.jpg
  2. Yes sir!! That is a steal....I called them about that car and all it need's is bumber cover, and thats it! Better hurry though I dont think it will last that long... Later, Daniel
  3. UPDATE!!! I am picking up the new key today....question is? Who can re-program my new key to the ECU? Car is currently not running and I am going to need to take it to the frame shop next week. If someone has any ideas let me know... Thanks, Daniel
  4. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35088
  5. Yes sir....dad has worked on the team for almost 20 years. Daniel
  6. http://www.nhra.com/content/news/19197.htm Eric Medlen was a good friend of Head racing and my father, he was only 33 years old and what a sad story..... We will miss you Eric....you are in our thoughts and prayers forever.... Daniel
  7. http://www.speedtv.com/articles/automotive/lifestyle/36190/ It didnt make the 273 mph....because of weather issues, but when you are running 190+ mph and changing into 6th gear and the rear tires break loose....OMG... Dan
  8. Im telling you all that she is sandbaggin that car.....I have heard it has more than people think... Daniel
  9. Yea but they pulled through....I am proud of them! Dan
  10. OH YA BITCHES!!! Down to fhe final 8....what a good game Daniel
  11. http://news.windingroad.com/auto-news/ssc-ultimate-aero-tt-supercar-up-for-bids-on-ebay/ Aero TT is one bad ass car and was suposed to be tested yesterday somewhere in WA. It was predicted to go 270 mph.... Dan
  12. We will see Tony Croson chime in at some point lol!! Dan
  13. ChevyMan1972


    Boy what a game today huh? I know it had me on the edge of my seat.... Sweet 16 here we come! Later, Daniel
  14. Only one more day left on this auction, and its only about 35 min from where I live anyway.....I have my fingers crossed because its a good deal for sure!! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=007&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=170089577690&rd=1,1 Thanks, Daniel
  15. Thanks guy's I will look into contacts listed.... Daniel
  16. Anyone, I am having a tough time finding a headlight for my new A4, I found these on ebay. Can someone tell me if these will be a good buy? I have the Xenon option on my car. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/02-05-AUDI-A4-HALO-BLACK-PROJECTOR-HEAD-LIGHTS-W-LED_W0QQitemZ260096099833QQcategoryZ33710QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Thanks, Daniel Weaver
  17. Question, my car is Xenon head lights option....I am having a tough time finding them to replace....can I replace them with something like this? Is it better? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/02-05-AUDI-A4-HALO-BLACK-PROJECTOR-HEAD-LIGHTS-W-LED_W0QQitemZ260096099833QQcategoryZ33710QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Thanks, Daniel
  18. May be a repost but oh well.... http://videos.streetfire.net/hottestvideos/3/a943e78d-9327-491d-b93f-9881009bbcf2.htm 22" sub in some pile of crap car on pimp my ride.... Dan
  19. HAHA....its got 990 all worked up LOL!!! Dan
  20. Did anyone catch tonights pinks? Did it seem like the host was a little "tipsy" tonight? I saw all the cut's on his hands and arms, I was like wtf? Also I must say this show was some good racing, run her till she blows up and almost hits the wall LOL!!! Later, Daniel
  21. http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/weavedan/100_0148.jpg
  22. http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/weavedan/100_0146.jpg
  23. http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/weavedan/100_0147.jpg
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