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Everything posted by ChevyMan1972

  1. Well thanks guy's....I just picked up a Samsung YP-T7J from Best Buy for $110 bucks. I am in love with this thing.....its got 1.5 color screen that I can upload pics of my kid's etc. Now I am going to save for a new In-Dash radio for my car that will run my MP3 player! Can't wait! Thanks again! Dan
  2. I am going to stop by Best Buy today and take a look at all the MP3 players out there. Is there any good ones that I should be looking at? After I buy a nice MP3 player I am going after an indash cd player that will hook up with my new device. I am new at this kind of thing is there anything I should look at 1st before buying it? Thanks, Dan
  3. Hopefully it will be out of here by next weekend I have my ainti rain fingers crossed!! Dan
  4. Yea I do like the G35. The coupe is what I would want but I have 2 kids that require baby seats. I just want something....damn tired of the beat up galant. Dan
  5. Yea I know. But I have have my exp with DSM's trust me....dont want to go there Dan
  6. Guy's I was lookin at one of these yesterday at the Gym I work out at. I must say these things are freakin cool as hell!!! Not that bad performance wise eather. 265 hp v6 that runs low 14's me LIKEY!!! http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.nissanclub.com/ALTIMA/2005SER/2005SERBACK.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.nissanclub.com/ALTIMA/2005SER/&h=551&w=800&sz=85&tbnid=t-Ibvt_GAE9w1M:&tbnh=97&tbnw=142&hl=en&start=4&prev=/images%3Fq%3DNissan%2BAltima%2Bse-r%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN Dan
  7. Call nhra up. A weekend pass Thursday - Sunday with pitpass "it's included" is $98 bucks. Trust me, I have been going since I was born and never skipped a beat, I still love going to it every year, also to see my dad in action in the Jim Head racing camp. Dan
  8. Does anyone know how much weight Anthony has lost in total. I saw him last weekend up at jeg's and could not even recoginze him. I told him that he was going to blow away in the wind LOL! Thanks, Daniel Weaver
  9. HOLY SHIT LOL! I may stop buy tonight hehe! Dan
  10. Was this going on over off of St. Rt 3 near sunbury? Galena area? I drove by you guys yesterday? Dan
  11. What about northand plaza where all the places closed down? Dan
  12. It looks like that car has been in some trouble before....the front is still in primer lol!! Good find! Dan
  13. HELL YA!!! I love the Gremlin in the end....thats my fav! Dan
  14. John.....I think that car run's in the low 11's, off spray. Iv'e seen this car at Jeg's on the weekend. It's nice Dan
  15. http://media.putfile.com/wheeliecomp OMG! I shit my pants.....sorry if its a repost. Dan
  16. Guy's I have always loved the looks of this bike in the past, and have talked to a couple people about them, and heard it got voted one of the best all around made bike? Problem is I can't find one anywhere can someone help? Thanks, Daniel
  17. Hey Phil aka "Mallard" Whats going on? I am sitting here at the hotel bored out of my mind.....do you live around here? Come pick me up and show me around town LOL!!! Dan
  18. Yea I just woke up and am sitting here at the hotel getting ready to eat breakfast, and its raining outside. Hopefully today it will stop raining and we can see some more action tonight. It was so cool seing this street racing thing going on right out front of the hotel. Daniel
  19. Columbus Racing, Well I am on here to tell you all a story. I am away on a ASQ "American Standard of Quality trip for Columbus Steel....my company. Im about 15 miles away from Detroit MI. in an INSANE town called Birmingham MI. I am staying in a Holliday Inn express hotel on the 5th floor with a walk out balcany. This town is crasy, some of you may know right off of, this street is Woodward ave. home of the late summer "Dream cruze" Well I have been here for 2 days so far and let me tell you, it is almost like being on rodeo drive in CA. Let me tell you! ALL there is....is 100k cars rolling around this town and tonight was so nice out I decided to stay out near the main road and catch some of the insane cars passing by here. And out of the blue was just like I was back at home in columbus or on the east side of the weekend. Here comes this bad ass Yellow nice sounding Zo6 and a nasty black evo that was sick at the stop light. The Z06 revv's up at 1st and so does the evo telling me that we were about to see a show!! LOL!! anyway all the sudden the Zo6 decides to purge his No2 and I know for sure all hell was about to break loose then the light turned green and they were off! But to my amazment the sprayed Zo6 didnt have a chance to this evo becuase when they both launched the evo had about 5 cars from the green light and started to go sideways in an all 4 wheel burn out. I dont know who this car was but I was like OMFG! The Z06 was up in instant tire smoke just like John Force with a little 2 much clutch off the starting line. Again let me tell you guys this town is absoulutly crazy on the ammount of cars around here. The cost of living here has to be 3 times as much as back home but I am loving every minute of it...for sure, 2 bad I am only here till thursday, but oh well just thought I would share it with all of you! Sorry for the long post and the miss spelled word's I am just 2 excited to type right now for all the excitement that went on today after class.. Let me explain again all the cars I saw today. 1. About a dozen or so Porshe Canne turbo's 2. 5 Caddy CTS V's 3. Masaritti's 4. Landrovers with HUGE ass brembo breaks on them. 5. 3 S600 AMG's 6. TONS of high end SUV's 7. Nice bikes with HOT ladies riding them! And many MANY more stuff that I cant even think of right now. I need to come down here for the "Dream Cruze" or maybe Columbus racing should take a part in this cruze huh? It's only about 3.5 hrs away from CB. Once again sorry for the long drawed out post hoped everyone enjoyed reading it and wish all of you were here with me sitting out on the curb watching it. Thanks again! Daniel Weaver
  20. Sam's Z06 will not be the only one out there Dan
  21. sorry mudbutt I dont care for those. cinergy pm sent Dan
  22. Does anyone have any nice looking rims for my galant lyin around? Im looking for 16" or 17"...or something used and a good price.... 4 lug for a 1998 Mitshubishi Galant es. Thanks, Daniel Weaver
  23. If not sold please I will take them TODAY!!! Dan
  24. Now thats what im talking about!!! Don't it make more since to go out and pay 500 or less on a "pocket" bike and do stunts, rather than going out and paying 10k on a brand new bike, just out of high school, then try and do stunts, crash your bike almost die and then turn it into a costly insurance claim, and making everyone else's rates go up.... Sory for the short bunched up rant, just had to speak my mind THAT WAS AWESOME!! Dan
  25. CR, I was heading down "old" 161 tward New Albany this afternoon and heard this distinkt sound of a bad ass subie and it was black, passin by me LOL! Yea it it was some Nice looking blond driving it! And it took me a minute to relize who's car that was lol!! It was Alex's 600hp STI....then I was like WHOOOOOA I bet she likes all that hp held up at her right foot.... Nice ride I must say! Dan
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