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Everything posted by ChevyMan1972

  1. http://www.ohiolaws.com My gf works there and the 4 of them are the best in ohio let me tell you that Dan
  3. Ok then.....I want to see picks, mod's etc. Give them up John damn you!! Dan
  4. I heard that someone saw him driving a DSM this weekend? Could it be true? Dan
  5. Rolling brick wall.....I say Dan
  6. Think about it, your buying a piece of history with the man John.... now that he is resting in peace.... But I dont have that kind of money but for the name I would take it Dan
  7. Hey is car still for sale??? Let me know!!! Dan
  8. I would buy this if I had 100k WOOOHHAAAA! http://lingenfelter.com/2004Lingenfelter427TwinTurboZ-16Corvette.htm Dan
  9. Just MFG. exp in general. We make sand molds here with a 3 part resin system. So molds need finnished and other types of tasks included... Daniel
  10. bump.....come on guy's this job pays well cant realy tell ya how much but if someone would ask I will tell in pm... Dan
  11. Everyone, Hello, I work at Columbus Steel Castings, right here on the south side of town. I need a highly motovated person that wants to work hard and have fun at the same time. We are looking for a Mold production spec. Wich intales some lifting, mold makeing, operation of machine's etc. Awesome hourly pay w/ benifits and profit and sharing. The job hrs are 5am - 3:30pm m-f and opertunity to work some saturdays. We make HUGE steel castings that some weighing 400 - 50,000 lbs. If anyone is interested in this position please feel free to pm me and we can discuss this more. aim = sixteyfeettalon Thanks, Daniel Weaver Columubs Steel Castings
  12. They need to send in a copy of that to MTV.....make it another Bam Marjara movie.... Dan
  13. where to find more LOL!! Good find!!
  14. If you look at some of the pictures on the site from the side of that boat, you will see that it is clearly an outdrive. No jet anywhere. Dan
  15. http://www.summitracing.com They have the best prices around.. Dan
  16. Or no wait this game will be played in MileHigh stadum so since the "BUS" eats about 10000 cheeseburgers a day, he will not be able to breath enough to make it to the goal line BRONCOS WIN!!! BRONCOS WIN!!! BRONCOS WIN!!! Eat it Glenn.... Dan
  17. WRONG!!! Any team that Glenn likes SUCKS!!!! Since the Stealers beat the colts...I say fuck them and GO BRONCOS!!!!!! Dan
  18. Your speed test came out good. What time of the day was that? Sometimes in the early evening when the internet usage is high you will see slower activity for sure, but ping is a big issue with me because of my gaming habits... LOL!! So its good.. Dan
  19. 2JZ Engine in dat mang...... Please dont tell me LOL!!! Dan
  20. Here go and look at the website. If you click on the "Boat project" at the top it will tell you all about it. http://www.xtremerotaries.com/ They claim it makes 800hp at 9500 RPM and goes 120 mph max speed. Wich tells the story. Here is another vid of it next to a bigger boat with a v8. http://www.xtremerotaries.com/main2/Quicksilver/60-102mph.wmv Dan
  21. LOL Good ole 7 bolt pushed to the limits. Cant realy tell if it had a 6 bolt swap but still kept up to almost 500 hp. good find.. Dan
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