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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Pisses me the fuck off, double standards can kiss my ass.
  2. You can lose all your money, and you can lose all your gold, but you can never lose your heart, and you can never lose your soul...
  3. Someone should just ban this tool before this shit gets out of hand.
  4. Ohmigod, you win for being a huge cockface! Good job! Why in the hell would you consider everyone hating you for being an ignorant toolbox an accomplishment worthy of bragging?
  5. The Yankees are destroying baseball. Someone needs to throw a goddamned salary cap on this shit, and then it might be more exciting to watch the post season (although, doesnt get much more exciting than last night.... what a fucking game!!)
  6. Seriously, who the fuck are you, where are your parents, and why did they let you out of your cage? Take a few steps away from the keyboard, put away the vaseline, put down the Hasselhoff pictures, and go get some fresh air. Seriously, even MY posts aren't as ignorant as yours are, and I use proper punctuation and grammar. www.dictionary.com <--- Use this. If that doesn't work, buy something powerful from this: www.gunbroker.com , and don't visit www.suicideprevention.com ... Have a nice day.
  7. GO SOX! Fuck the godam Yankees... Buncha Bitches. ....Beer + English Paper = A+, seriously.
  8. That guy should be shot in the knees, then someone should spit in his wounds.
  9. Holy fuck, Carl's junior. Drool.
  10. He's lucky by Cody and DJ's standards... All those little boys. tongue.gif Disclaimer: That was NOT intended to offend anyone of the faith, just to poke fun at Deej and Cody.
  11. Ohmigod what a good fucking thread.
  12. ..... Why is this thread here, if you're going to be online every single night anyway? Be safe.
  13. Ohio state is terrible this year. Our QB is like seven years old (or at least plays like it), Ross might be the worst runningback in the world (We should think about trading for Buffalo's or something... Or try putting in one of those all-stars we have waiting on the bench while that douchebag trips over his own shoelaces on the field every weekend), our offensive line could be replaced by cardboard cutouts, and our defense can't continue to be held up by the same three or four guys every single week. Edwards is going to make us CRY this year. I've already started to hear people bitching about Tressell. People that bitch about Tressel are only fans of winning, not fans of the Buckeyes. The man comes in and beats Michigan two years in a row, and wins us an undisputed title, yet just two years later, the FIRST TIME that he has lost two games in a row, people begin to call for a replacement... What in the name of all that is holy is that shit? It sickens me how people can just cast someone away at the first minimal sign of imperfection. That being said, Tressel isn't perfect. He does need to change some members of his staff, and he needs to switch up the play calling. He also needs to get the fuck up off of Zwick and Ross' nuts, because neither of them have shown ANYBODY that they're worth the cleats on their feet all season long. We started Maurice when he was a freshman and he destroyed people, and we start Ginn now, who hasn't been doing bad at all. Put this Haw kid in, get some points on the board, and salvage a season that is quickly becoming uglier and uglier.
  14. I like how Tressel wins us a championship in his second season, then the instant we dont go undefeated, Ignorant rednecks are yodeling for his resignation. I fucking hate people. [ 15. October 2004, 03:05 PM: Message edited by: Republicant ]
  15. Devils Advocate


    Whoever doesn't get this is a fucking retard and should help desperado build his 4 second car (THAT WAS A HINT!!!). Aaron, that was comedic genius.
  16. Talk to Supraglue, he has the biggest E-Penis of the Track addicts group. ....Ok, I'll go bck to studying now.
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