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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Tell me what the fuck they're for.
  2. Lots of hot models, I volunteered for the annual A&F challenge two years ago, and DAMN.......
  3. Lots of hot models, I volunteered for the annual A&F challenge two years ago, and DAMN.......
  4. I like motorcycles. Alot. [ 23. September 2004, 10:27 PM: Message edited by: Republicant ]
  5. shsushffushh [ 23. September 2004, 10:28 PM: Message edited by: Republicant ]
  6. At least I don't look like a Charlie Brown character.
  7. I know they aren't, but all I see is her bitching at dave (in all caps) in like every thread.
  8. Jesus H. CHrist, the caps lock button is located a few millimeters to the left of the "A" key. Stop typing in all caps, it doesn't make any of the useless shit you post any more interesting or exciting. Don't you have laundry that you could be doing? While you're at it, go make your husband a damned sandwich, bake him a pie, and be ready to give him a blowjob when he comes home from work, he pays for your life. If you're ugly, just save some of the brown paper bags from your trip to the grocery store for Pie and sandwich supplies, cut a hole in it, and place it over your head. You wouldn't want to ruin his blowjob with your ugly-ass face. And while you're at it, get off of Dave's nuts. Illiterate mountain men aren't allowed to have nutswingers. -This has been another random aggression post by Republicant.
  9. Eh, Proffessional Motorcycles riders have crashed at 200 (wearing full gear though), and they just get some pretty harsh road rash.
  10. Nice color choice. Any Mods?
  11. I've seen your sloppy ass drunk. Also, the night you saw me drunk, I got head from some hot bitch. What about you?
  12. Damn Marc, we all know that you're a lightweight... don't worry about it.
  13. Pi Kappa what? graemlins/jerkit.gif
  14. Pi Kappa what? graemlins/jerkit.gif
  15. Dunno, but people will be tanked.
  16. I did Phone Banking (making calls to potential voters and such) tonight for the College Republicans, and I <3 cincinatti. 90% of that city is in love with Dubya. graemlins/thumb.gif I'm also running for dorm president (bwahahaaha), and the funny part is, I'm going to win....
  17. Hey, so do I, and i got o a school with around 20k plus. If you want to talk to your proffessors, they're there for you. The Fischer School of Business is like number 5 or 7 in the nation... and I highly doubt that Otterbein's will be anywhere near that. Did I hear you say that Otterbein throws kick ass parties to an OSU or OU student? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wow. Whenever you get on the top 20 list (we're top five), then I think you can talk shit. Also, isn't half of Otterbein's campus homosexual? Marc really SHOULD have gone there.
  18. Hey, so do I, and i got o a school with around 20k plus. If you want to talk to your proffessors, they're there for you. The Fischer School of Business is like number 5 or 7 in the nation... and I highly doubt that Otterbein's will be anywhere near that. Did I hear you say that Otterbein throws kick ass parties to an OSU or OU student? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wow. Whenever you get on the top 20 list (we're top five), then I think you can talk shit. Also, isn't half of Otterbein's campus homosexual? Marc really SHOULD have gone there.
  19. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6039135/site/newsweek/
  20. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6039135/site/newsweek/
  21. OU > Life. You ever wanna learn how to drink, Gimme a call.
  22. OU > Life. You ever wanna learn how to drink, Gimme a call.
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