Hey, sure... Since your simple reply seems to be an admission of "hey, wait a second... I didnt know anyone on here was capable of a REAL argument... I better have my girlfriend come in here and defend me!" BTW, I find it ironic that Scott accused an entire state of people as being "immoral" in the same sentence that he insinuated his happiness at the fact that fires or earthquakes would kill millions of people.
It's easily one of the most beautiful places on the planet.
The women there put ohio women to shame in every single aspect. Every ethnic group is represented heavily... None of that Pale-skinned, Straw-haired, corn-fed bullshit.
The food culture in california is the best in the country.. organic, locally sourced ingredients absolutely everywhere, and people have a much better understanding of food in general.
It has a frillion miles of... pacific coastline? Hopefully you thick goons wont ask me to explain why this is a good thing, although it wouldn't surprise me.
72 and sunny for like... 300 days a year? As opposed to the 200 or whatever days of clouds/rain they have in ohio.
For those of you using Californias homosexual population, I remember seeing that Columbus has one of the highest homosexual populations (maybe per capita?) in the country. OHNOEZ!1!111 TEH GAYS R COMIN 2 GET MEH!1!1
Since I've typed enough here for the next two hours of you cretin's lives, I'll go to do something else... like dump all over you in other threads. (I'm really popular.)