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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. ...If the country could run without them, they would already be gone. If it wasnt ridiculously difficult to obtain actual citizenry, they would do it. I know you're a cold, bitter, angry, small cocked individual, but I never thought I'd see you say that you dont care about hardworking people less fortunate than you because they were born somewhere else. It's one thing to have an unhealthy hatred of cars that are manufactured better than the ones made here, it's another thing to completely condemn 12 million people youve never personally talked to for reasons you picked up on http://www.letsfindsomethingelsetoblameourcountriesproblemson.com.
  2. Joe, you have got to have the smallest penis in the midwest.
  3. ...So you're making broad, generalizing accusations/demands of an entire group of people... none of which you've ever spoken to, nor have the ability to understand?
  4. Mike, the first time I saw that picture was one of the hardest and longest laughs I have ever had in my life.
  5. Amuse Bouche: Anyone who has ever called you "Vez" was laughing inside when they said it.
  6. Sounds like a typical Saturday night for Marc.
  7. ...How many illegal immigrants have you talked to?
  8. Yo, Ive barely smoked in the last couple weeks, after smoking for pretty much every day for lie 3 years.
  9. ... God forbid they actually do some recon work before storming in guns blazing.
  10. Uhhh... before you try and make someone else look stupid, maybe you should make sure that you dont sound like an ignorant jackass. You literally just restated the post that I previously tore apart. Again, youre taking jobs from people who want them (that went to great, arduous lengths to get those jobs) and giving them to people who would rather sit at home and collect a paycheck off of our money? Why would you want someone who DOESNT want to do a job more than someone who does? Because they got lucky and were born within our borders? No wonder this country is going to hell in a handbasket, we'd rather reward luck than hard work and dedication. Of course, this is even assuming that the people on welfare would be able to be made to work, or that the companies in question would be able to stay in business while having to replace/retrain a significant part of their work force, etc... I'll avoid throwing any petty insults your way, because I dont need to rely on talking big to make you look like a fool... you take care of most of that yourself.
  11. ....why do cops have uzis in the trains if there havent been any train bombings? ...Ill take the 1-in-a-frillion odds that some nutjob is gonna be on my train with a bomb over having John Q. Toughguy scaring the shit out of me with a navy seal gun any day. And uh... I dont think you guys are really thinking this whole "scare them away" thing through.... If a guy is going to suicide bomb a train... he... doesnt.... care... if.... he.... dies? He walks into a crowded station, sees an ANTI TERROR SKWAD, and says "oh, snaps. I get to take some of them out too. Whoopdie-doo, more virgins for me!" And another thing: You cant really (effectively) high-jack a train and use it to drive/fly into a building, because... ITS ON A FUCKING TRACK. I'd love to see that high speed chase. "Well ladies and gentlemen, were up here in the super special mega-anti-terror chopper in hot pursuit of the runaway train filled with militant terrorists... i think its about to take a left... YUP! I WAS TOTALLY RIGHT! THE TRAIN TOOK A LEFT! WERE GOING TO BE ABLE TO AVERT WHATEVER IT IS THEY HAVE PLANNED!!1!1" We could continue to let the government waste our money on pathetic, non-effective, freedom robbing atrocities like this, or we could all man up and say "Look, I'll take my chances with the non-existant militants.... you guys keep those guns the fuck away from me, my family, and my friends."
  12. ...Wait.... did you just steal the point that I was trying to make, and then try to make it your own, and then put an addendum at the end where you take jobs away from people who WANT to work, who probably went through some serious shit and left their families behind in a scary and unstable place just to GET A JOB.... and give them to lazy, ignorant people who cant figure out that having more kids when you already cant support the ones you have is bad? ... ............ Good work. Gold star for you!
  13. ...Do you really need.... pics.... AND....vids? What're you looking for, the best angle?
  14. Gas is 4$ for regular here. Thank god for CTA.
  15. DARNED IMMIGRANTS WITH THEIR IMMIGRATIN N WORKIN N SENDIN MONEY 2 THAR FAMBLIES!11! Illegals who actually work + pay taxes > Idiot citizens who have five kids and have no job... You dont have to be an illegal immigrant to drive without auto insurance... PS: way to make fun of the Native Americans, who by all rights should be in charge of this country. The mexicans just want to work, whitey came in and fucking killed and raped everyone, while stomping his feet and yelling "mine!" Gawwwwwwwwwwwwd, I hate white people.
  16. Found what might turn out to be a pretty solid deal... whats the running price of a N/A FC motor rebuild?
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