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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. *Smack* I'm giving you material to run with here, Ya friggin rube. Do they make Life Preservers that light up, 'cuz I could really use one right now.
  2. Now hold on a minute... I provide what is undoubtedly some of the best social commentary that this Short Bus of a website has seen in weeks, and for some reason.... YOU THINK I'M ELI!? ....Wait, wasn't I the one who started the thread? ....Wait, doesn't eli have an enormous british flag in his avatar? ....Wait, Isn't his name something strikingly different than "Hefty Jesus?" .....Wait, are you abusing prescription drugs?
  3. ....Wow. What the F-... I need a Machete to hack through all the unrelenting stupidity in this thread.
  4. "I spent Threeeee Years on That Terlet!"
  5. I'm assuming that you want everyone to see the word "sanditis", and follow the same tortured, laborous route that your brain did that leads to "having sand in one's vagina." However, you share a cognitive abilities level with perhaps seven other people on this board, so you're going to have to come up with some better directions. When I read it, I instantly thought you meant "Sand Tits," which is infinitely funnier anyhow.
  6. I almost wished you hadn't, I was only allowed to bask in the joy of.... ignorance of ignorance, I guess, for like 3.5 seconds. It IS pretty funny that he posted a reply, directed at me, even though he knew I had him blocked. This new breed of postwhore doesn't even require thought-based insults, they provide all of the material themselves.
  7. I consider you to be one of the main reasons that I'm against having children... In case I have some enormous chunk of negative Karma that I'm not aware of that would cause me to father something like you.
  8. I have a feeling that I can cut the number of posts I have to scroll past in disgust in half by blocking one or two people. How do I achieve this? Sry, maximum lazy.
  9. Sorry I was at Norwalk. Probaly at Trails this Saturday. Best sig in the history of ever. "Sailor moon has got tha boom anime babes, to make me think the wrong thing."
  10. ......Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. .......Damn.
  11. This thread is made up of roughly 36% ownage.
  12. Was I re-directed to http://www.columbuscryfest.com by accident? Damn sponsor links.
  13. I gots no problems with Dougy Fresh.
  14. Ahhh, standard CR procedure. Every few months, Geoff returns for a few days, gets completely and totally destroyed, and vows to never return again. PS: Every time I see soslo post, I have to fight a very powerful urge to throw my computer off a balcony.
  15. I turned 22 today. First worthless bday of my life... woo hoo.
  16. HAHA WOW.... poor guy. I was just feeling froggy in the early hours of the morning and felt like talking smack... YIKES!
  17. *Reserved* Im so happy... someone FINALLY made a grammatically correct, semi-intelligent, thought-out post in response to one of mine. Took long enough.
  18. Anyone with an FC is infallible... it's in the bible.
  19. ... of What? Please dont act like you possess any qualities to be jealous of.
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