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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Absolutely no surprise whatsoever. I'm still shocked to this day that nobody said anything about one of the candidates BROTHERS being GOVERNOR of the state that had such a "problem" with the voting that one year.
  2. Using this logic, wouldnt it also be prudent to say that Firing a missile 300 miles from it's target is cowardly also? Bin Laden is the exact opposite of a coward... To take responsibility for such actions against the greatest military power in the world takes balls the size of which none of you have any inkling of.
  3. Youre honestly using the idiots on here for parental advice? The Pool of "talent" that you have to work with here include a raging bible thumper who hasnt opened his mind since it was formed in the womb, a bunch of dudes who drive really nice cars, do a bunch of drugs, and bang strippers all the time, a ton of backwoods rednecks, and MAYBE a handful of good parents. By the Way, if you read that now and he finds out about it... He wont trust you. Ever. Think about that.
  4. Ive never eaten a slider in my life. I bought four once because my buddies were going there, and when we got home and i pulled it out of the box, it was fucking soggy and literally smelled like dog food with dehydrated onions on top. Oh, wait. Thats exactly what it is. I gave them to my buddies dog and get queasy whenever I even see a white castle. Interestingly enough, Ive found that this allows me to enjoy Harold and Kumar alot more, because the ridiculous amount of advertising in the movie has no power over me whatsoever.
  5. Matt said everything I wanted to say. Youre seriously going to call the fucking cops because one of the people you pay minimum wage decided that he doesnt give a fuck about working at Pizza hut? Be a fucking man and find out who it is and discipline them accordingly, dont be a total wussbag and call Johnny Law, who may or may not smoke pot himself. Disrespect? Please. You're a Pizza Jockey, even if you are a really good one. People have been and will always be disrespecting you, deal with it.
  6. I work from 4-midnight today and tmw, and 4-10:30 on suinday, but I have monday and tuesday off.
  7. This should be stickied to prove that CR doesnt destroy all honda/import car drivers. Nice cars, welcome. PS: Cookie to whoever finds another instance of me being 100% nice to a newb.
  8. .... What? Does Thorne have any illegitimate children?
  9. Music nowadays sucks, except for the occasional great band that comes along. Every once in awhile when I'm high I try to watch the cartoons that children nowadays are watching, and I dont understand a single god damned one of them.
  11. When you come to a word that you dont know how to spell, say it out loud slowly twice, then quickly twice. You'll definitely get closer than "Intemdation."
  12. That is a Sick Ass deal. Me and my buddy picked up a couch from elk grove village a few weeks ago.
  13. Rofl this is awesome. Dont delete it, if anything, it's free good press. Theres like thirty positive testimonials from well respected people. PS: Youre all gay.
  14. Daaaaaaaamn, CR Got Rolla's back like CRAZY, Yo!
  15. Can you stop being racist, please? There are some unbelievably ignorant things said on this website.
  16. Noez! You have to tolerate someone else in a public place? Horrible, ban it.
  17. Yeah, as long as you start on a slower bike and are careful/not an idiot, and take it slow, learning to ride is really easy/really really fun... Plus, you never really stop learning, once you start.
  18. Uh. I got five on it in two weeks, I might be in ohio in early november.
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