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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. I'm going to go batshit. Im not going to buy anything because of these stupid ass commercials, because theres so many of them nowadays and theyre so obnoxious that it just makes me hate whatever product is being peddled. Maybe I'm not used to it because I dont watch TV that much, but jesus fucking christ.
  2. I can think of hundreds of things they should be doing instead of making me cringe.
  3. Going to OU for three years and dating sorority chicks confirmed this for me. Doesnt matter how cool a girl seems, being drunk with a bunch of slutty friends = penor in teh vaginazor.
  4. IF someone tried to take my blood against my will, I would freak the FUCK out.
  5. its called a lan center, you hillbillies.
  6. If you wanna catch some Z's, PM me your Phone # and Ill call you and make sure you wake up when you need to... Im an insomniac and ohio is an hour ahead of me.
  7. I just have to post again and say how sick this shit makes me.
  8. Cops?! Being tyrannical shitheads?! No fuggin way. Sawbinder and Dragknee: You're exempt.
  10. Yo n i wuz bangin theez chix on teh intrarwabs n like dis wun bitch was talkin dif then i usully like it, so i was like hey hoe u dum as fuck n since she wuz so clazzy she called me teh next dya n we banged lol it was fun! Broze Befoar Hoze!!1!
  11. I'm working from 430-11 tonight, but thats ok... Kuz I think it prety much clinches me being promoted to sous chef over the next few months... AKA, my dream is coming true.
  12. Devils Advocate


    Crown lounge is the shit.
  13. Real Chinese food is incredible. Broaden your horizons.
  14. ECKS BAWCKS. WITH AN ECKS BAWKS CONTROLLER. And chris, adam is absolute garbage.
  15. I stopped reading here, literally. I've read enough of your close minded bullshit to know that it isnt worth my time to read the rest of your skewed diatribe. We all know that youre going to live the rest of your life as a crusty old hateful bastard, and that nothing any of us say can change that. Hopefully, my generation grows up with a necessary amount of tolerance so that people like you are eventually phased out of the picture.
  16. I'd rather my tax dollars be given to people who are working 80 hrs each and every week to survive and feed their families than have it land in the pockets of some corrupt politician. BTW, OBGYN destroyed all of you, I actually LOLed when I imagined the look on all of your faces when you were reading his post. I've posted nearly the same exact thing before, but the only responses I got were "Durrrr, dey took our JERBS!" When you parents came to this country, the immigration process took MAYBE a week..... now it takes forever and is fraught with crap. Bottom Line, America has no identity anymore. People still call it the land of the free, but theres microchips in passports, people arent allowed to smoke cigs OUTSIDE, sagging your pants can get you ticketed, a cop has murdered four wives but hasnt been sent to prison because people are in such fear of the Law, it's now legal for you to be arrested without cause, be denied access to a lawyer or friends and family, and have no trial. The entire world hates us, were in "wars" all over the world, and for what? What does the average american citizen care/know about korea? Afghanistan? Iran? Iraq? Africa? Nothing. They see us as brash, uncaring imperialists because... thats what weve become. Where has all this gotten us? Gas prices are bordering on unaffordable, Taxes are outrageous, our economy has gone to shit, Residential foreclosures have been and continue to be absolutely staggering, and nobody cares/takes the time to do anything about anything because, guess what... They're worried about taking care of themselves and their families. Sound like another group of people you've heard of/continually blame the countries problems on? Wake up, people. It isn't the immigrants thats the problem, it's the people in office. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is going to change for the better if the government continues to discover that the American people dont give a shit about whats going on around them as long as they have a place to live, a car to drive, and food on the table.
  17. I just nutted. I had a day off work the other day, so I just got stoned and watched all three IJ flicks... Harrison Ford is the fucking man.
  18. Ive said it before and ill say it again, someone play me for money in Halo 1 for the XBOX.
  19. MMMMMM, Sure smells like Freedom in here!!
  20. I would like to have sexual relations with your car. Please notify it of my intentions, and have it check "yes" or "maybe."
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