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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  2. Yes, keep playing halo 3... Ill be stealing your car.
  3. LOL. I live twenty minutes from Evanston and have driven through there a bunch... The campus is like the size of OU's, and Chicago is CHOCK FULL of people from michigan/people that wear UM gear all the time. It'd be like saying that OSU playing at OU is a tough away game. Uhm. We beat NW by fifty one points, UM beat them by 12, and were losing for awhile during that game, sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....................................................... You're dumb? And it's impossible for anyone to be on Wolverine nuts, because they sure as shit don't have any. Oh, and Michigan sucks. 3-2, with wins against a 0-5 Notre Dame team, a close win against the worst team in the big ten besides like.. indiana, and whoever else they beat. Plus, they still have that glorious loss to Appalachian state, a 1-AA team that lost to a school named Wofford. GG LLOYD CARR, YOU TOTALLY MADE IT WORTHWHILE FOR HART TO RISK INJURING HIMSELF INSTEAD OF MAKING MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN THE NFL.
  4. We beat NW 58-7, michigan beats them 28-16. ..........................................LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
  5. Dude, I seriously think that you are retarded. Wares? Volva?
  6. Haha word. I live on the south side, right south of roosevelt near halsted.
  7. Is it wierd that I wanna have sex with your car?
  8. Shut the Fuck up, hal. Noobs arent allowed to welcome noobs. ] PFFFFFFFFFFFFBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
  9. Im LOLing, because christianity has pressed itself on non-christians for two millenia.
  10. I want several of those as pets, venom intact. If annoying people show up at my crib, BOOM.... Get shrewed, Bitches!
  11. Couldnt he at least have waited until he won us a national championship before getting arrested? Sheesh, selfish kids these days.
  12. Now THERES a pair of leaders you could actually feel GOOD about worshipping.
  13. so uh... You beat an overrated team in "one of the toughest places to play in the country" by five points, and now Michigan is going to win the big ten? ' If they do, congratulations and thats impressive, but.... don't you think it's a little early to be making assanine statements? Oh, and if the MSU/UM rivalry is bigger than the OSU/UM rivalry, why does it get voted the biggest rivalry in college sports every year when they do the poll during football season? Oddly enough, when they do the poll during basketball season, it always ends up being UNC/Duke. Wieeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrddddddddddddd. Its two PM central time, and Michigan still sucks.
  14. LOL. "Democrats are more afraid of irritating something like moveon.org than they are of irritating the US military." NOEZ! EVERYONE BE SKURRED OF AN IRRITATED US MILITARY! DONT QUESTION IT'S LEADER!1!11
  15. Console, not PC... However, I DID get my start playin Halo PC< just havent played in four or five years.
  16. Pick a partner for Halo 1 and we can play two v two for... a hundred dollars? I refuse to play Halo two.
  17. I work full time as a line cook and still manage to play halo 1 a decent bit... I'll play anyone on this website for any amount of money you want in halo 1 if i'm ever in ohio again.... PS: This does not include Marco.
  18. He can't hear you. Try typing louder.
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