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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. You should just go back to wearing full length footy pajamas... it'd solve all your problems.
  2. This should also not be an issue. Whatever "kind" of money you bring, it should obviously always be good in any establishment that expects to set up a happy customer base. Telling someone that a certain form of money isn't as "good" as another, and that they should bring cash because it's more of it stays in your pocket is horrible business practice... especially when you're making a twelve hundred percent profit on the beer they are buying.
  3. Pints of beer do NOT cost bars anywhere close to three dollars and fifty cents. one hundred and sixty beers per keg roughly, and take away like twenty for spillovers or freebies, youre looking at them paying like thirty or forty dollars per keg, since they buy in quantity... So on the beers that they sell, not counting the freebies per keg, they're paying a quarter a beer. I'm pretty sure they can cover a CC charge.
  4. Well THIS thread certainly turned out well for you. From what you post on here, it makes me feel like you have trouble dressing yourself in the morning.
  5. More comedy gold from the prince of Irony... or is it princess?
  6. That's real, son.
  7. Whatp man, how are your kids?
  8. A friend of my moms makes like seventy thousand a year from this.
  9. it isnt that people have gotten nicer, it's just that the people capable of mutilating others using the english language either dont read the board, dont give a fuck, or are overwhelmed by the amount of posts that require destruction. The only thing idiots have to put up with now is random people who dont matter telling them they are "fucksticks" or "turbofags", and with gearhead posting hundreds of incredibly unfunny pictures that have absolutely nothing to do with anything. You're all lucky that none of us edumacated people dont give a shit anymore.
  10. Wow, gearhead should seriously stop posting cat pics/breathing.
  12. Youre all gay as fuck, who cares? Rednecks + internet = cluster fuck.
  13. Fucksick, nice. Was that pulled from a vin diesel movie, or off of the internet?
  14. Wow, this thread is weak and smells of stank pussy. Wahhhhhhh, Wahhhhhhhhhh, Should I ban him? Wahhhhhhhhhhhh!
  15. Cocaine is a helluva drug... thank god I got outta that shit.
  16. People seriously dont know that pizza hut did not invent the calzone?
  17. Yall niggas is angry. Change the station. PS: Rhianna sucks worse and you know it.
  18. sounds like a win-win. wow, i'm a bad person.
  19. Who is trent reznor? Is he the lead singer of tool or something? If im right, thats hilarious. Mario Batali Tony bourdain Masaharu Morimoto Hiroyuki sakaii Lebron James Harold Mcgee James Beard Thomas keller Grant achatz Christopher walken
  20. Quadrupled. Yall niggaz must make a lot of cheddar, being able to pay for HBO.
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