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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Beavis Jonez is gay as shit. So is roll racing from 80. So is building a car thats only good for a race from 80, unless you're tilley.. and his car is good from a much lower speed than that. So is anything that nitrousbird says or does.
  2. Your name is peppy... Rofl.
  3. ...You call yourself peppy? Are you openly gay?
  4. Hey Hey, You, You, I don't like your girlfriend.
  5. You should all probably learn mandarin chinese, given their current and future economy.
  6. I like how easily you guys condemn people and call for their death. Oh wait, no, It kinda creeps me out.
  7. Devils Advocate


    Rigsby + Vegas = apocalypse.
  9. Everything else. You name it, I like it. Except most country and that music where some guy just yells really loud unintelligible phrases directly into the microphone. PS: If you took the comment about music choices being the reasons why others hate americans seriously, you're way too old to use the internet. Oops, I didn't swear enough in this post... SHIT! FUCK! POOP!
  10. You best be downloadin updates on tha DAILY kuz we thru that shit like water through a sieve, beeyotch.
  11. NOEZ! I UFFENDAD SUM1 ON TEH INTERNETS!1! Making fun of music on the internet means I need to grow the fuck up? That's pretty rational. SWARE WURDZ@!
  12. Get owned, clown. OH SNAPS!!1!11 PS: I'm 21 today.
  13. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18720550/ Apparently, there may be a conflict of interest pertaining to the protection of US soldiers. Brian, Scott, any input on this?
  14. Oh snaps. I'll actually go see a movie in a theatre for the first time in over 6 months.
  15. Good post. Since I dont like crappy, money-influenced new age creepy rock, I obviously like rap. I couldn't like any of the other hundred music genres, or a combination of all of them. You probably blindly follow the bible, don't you? (SEE WHAT I DID THERE?! I USED YOUR STYLE OF LOGIC@1!1!)
  16. I never thought anyone else would ever agree with me on this. Amy smart, Eva mendez, Lucy Liu.
  17. Obviously alot of people went to Hansen concerts, does that make them good?
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