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Devils Advocate

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Posts posted by Devils Advocate

  1. I'm glad GW was in versus Gore during 9/11, for the Democrats don't have a spine to face the world. As the pendulum swung to the right, it's going to go way far left now.




    So you just generalized an entire group of politicians... with what information to back that up, exactly? You do realize that one of the problems with world/american politics is that people have become so immersed in one party in the two party system that they make horrible assumptions and statements like this. Also, to participate in your exercise in mental futility, saying that obama is "way far left" without saying that George Bush is "way far right" is absolutely fucking retarded, and does nothing but show everyone that your opinions come from a very small amount of information and a very select group of sources.


    As an aside... Why does America have to "face the rest of the world?" How does it benefit us to set ourselves against everyone else? I'm sure you're going to say "they hate us anyway, so fuck'em".... but how smart is that? If you take a look at why the rest of the world hates us (Maybe it has something to do with our outlandish military and financial support of a nation that has been condemned by the rest of the world as atrocious and dangerously militant), and then consider some ways to fix those problems/repair burnt bridges, wouldnt that bring you closer to a solution that doesn't have us ruining our economy and throwing away hundreds of thousands or millions of lives across the world?

  2. So Eric finds nothing wrong with Hamas firing rockets at CIVILIAN CITIES, but one retard going off the deep end and killing a girl justifies hatred against Israel?




    Did Eric say that he finds nothing wrong with firing rockets at civilian cities? Maybe it's from another thread and I missed it.


    Also, using that example... How many civilians have we killed in the middle east in the last 8 years? Big wonder why everyone hates us.


    Ewhystell, thats the kind of backwards-ass thinking that still has the world killing itself unecessarily. Why does there NEED to be war? Why do people NEED to kill others?

  3. Kenny's ideal woman is passed out on box wine. That girl is clearly awake. He has come to terms that it is easier for him as well as the girl if she cant remember anything about the time they spend together.






  4. Spare any http://images.starpulse.com/Photos/Previews/South-Park-tv-b77.jpg


    I have relatives in Canada if the US of A aboards the fail boat. Ill be ditchin this bitch.

    Illegals are gonna take over AHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh




  5. Blasphemy! Nothing is better than the free credit report commercials.


    F-R-E-E that spells free - credit report dot com baby!





    I actually like those commercials, because the look the guy always has on his face is 'Yeah, that's right Fuckwad. I'm Making crazy bank doing THIS, and afterwards, I

    m going to go get my knob slobbed by hot twins because they saw me on TV."

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