What? You're both ignorant, while I'm sure Mr. Stock isn't intending to be. Marc knows he's an ignorant retard and chooses to ignore it.
I never said anything about an intended injury, what? Are you reading a different thread or something? Where the fuck did I say anything about which medic for which team?
Marc, several thing sthat you fucked up again, you can add these to your laundry list of down-syndrome inspired bullshit.
Charlie. Batch. Wow, that was your comeback to the bengals being forced to use Kittna? Your IQ is way lower than I previously expected. My argument is that kittna is nowhere near as talented as Palmer, just as Charlie batch or whoever else nobody cares about is close to as good as Ben Roethlisberger. Palmer was pretty much half of the bengals offense, both in a physical sense and as a leader. Stop arguing and swearing for the hell of it, Nobody was insulting you until you started throwing flames around.
I'll take it slow, one more time...
If. Palmer. Played. That. Whole. Game. There. Would. Have. Been. A. Very. Different. Outcome. I. Am. Not. Saying. That. One. Team. Or. The. Other. Would. Win. But. It. Would. Have. Been. Different. That. Is. What. I. Am. Trying. To. Drill. Through. Your. Thick. Penis. Shaped. Skull.
And what on earth does the Colts game have to do with the Bengals game? Is there some obscure genetic disease in the Stock family pool that causes it's males to bring up unrelated points in an argument to make themselves look stupid and out of touch? Someone should begin a study, we might have another genetic disease to add to the list. The Human race is doomed.