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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. It's alright Mr. Stock, Marc knows I meant no harm to you. He's just using "defending" you as a way to cover up for him looking like a jackass.... I guess when you are one as long as he's been one, you start to run out of excuses. My apologies to you if you were offended.
  2. Wait wait wait wait......... I'm laughing pretty hard so it's tough to type... Marc said "Jon, make fun of my family again and we'll have problems"..... What are you going to do chief, try and take out your anguish from your dissapointing life on me? I'm very, very threatened. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm waitin for ya, Punky Brewster. You know where to find me.
  3. I havent said anything to the contrary. Aren't you supposed to be a scientist? I feel like I'm dealing with Michigan fans.
  4. What? You're both ignorant, while I'm sure Mr. Stock isn't intending to be. Marc knows he's an ignorant retard and chooses to ignore it. I never said anything about an intended injury, what? Are you reading a different thread or something? Where the fuck did I say anything about which medic for which team? Marc, several thing sthat you fucked up again, you can add these to your laundry list of down-syndrome inspired bullshit. Charlie. Batch. Wow, that was your comeback to the bengals being forced to use Kittna? Your IQ is way lower than I previously expected. My argument is that kittna is nowhere near as talented as Palmer, just as Charlie batch or whoever else nobody cares about is close to as good as Ben Roethlisberger. Palmer was pretty much half of the bengals offense, both in a physical sense and as a leader. Stop arguing and swearing for the hell of it, Nobody was insulting you until you started throwing flames around. I'll take it slow, one more time... If. Palmer. Played. That. Whole. Game. There. Would. Have. Been. A. Very. Different. Outcome. I. Am. Not. Saying. That. One. Team. Or. The. Other. Would. Win. But. It. Would. Have. Been. Different. That. Is. What. I. Am. Trying. To. Drill. Through. Your. Thick. Penis. Shaped. Skull. And what on earth does the Colts game have to do with the Bengals game? Is there some obscure genetic disease in the Stock family pool that causes it's males to bring up unrelated points in an argument to make themselves look stupid and out of touch? Someone should begin a study, we might have another genetic disease to add to the list. The Human race is doomed.
  5. IN WHAT MAJOR GAME HAVE WE WON WHERE THE OPPOSING TEAMS BEST PLAYER/QUARTERBACK GOT INJURED ON THE FIRST DOWN FROM SCRIMMAGE AFTER HE THREW ONE OF WHAT WAS ONLY TO BE THE FIRST OF MANY INCREDIBLE PLAYS? STOP OPENING YOUR MOUTH AND THE SHIT WILL STOP FALLING OUT OF IT. In case any of you forgot, you beat the Bengals with quarterback John "Crazy Legs" Kitna... If you guys had to rely on your backup, maddox, you all KNOW you'd be bitching about the same thing bengals fans are. I AM happy that I don't have to hear "who dey" for another year, jesus christ that gets old.
  6. Incredibly, one of the few words I cant spell. Anyway, I post a word, and the next person posts the word that my word makes them think of. Abstinance
  7. Like I said, I'm not a fan of either team, and I'm not crying. It's just that you're all bragging like you beat the undefeated Dolphins team of yesteryear. Stop being cocky, ignorant, illiterate douchebags and read what people post before you getf ired up and thump something stupid into your computer.
  8. If Palmer didn't destroy his knee on the first play (which happened to be what, a 66 yard pass?) The bus would be in a retirement home right now. Just keep telling yourselves you're the better team...
  9. I saw who made this thread and laughed for about twenty minutes.
  10. He's referring to people that, for instance, were born and raised in columbus but are Michigan fans. He's referring to people that Never, ever show their "love" for a team unless that team is on ESPN in a positive way, or is having a decent season. He's referring to dumbass broads who wear jersies around to get cock (Knisley should try it sometime, because the lord knows he isn't getting any pussy). People he is NOT referring to are the people flaming him in this thread, like Marc. Everyone knows you have every right to be a proud steelers fan, and I for one am happy for you. I love it when teams that don't "normally" (I know the steelers are always decent, but they're having a better than normal couple of years) do spectacular come through for their fans and give them something to be happy about.
  11. I'm not a bengals or steelers fan, but the Steelers got L-U-C-K-Y. That's all I have to say.
  12. Why is Marc trying (and failing) to be such a dick to Clark? Is it because Marc has nothing fast and clark does, and marc's only argument is that his runs (slowly) and Clark's is still being finished?
  13. No time for HALO. Work + School + Girlfriend = exhausted
  14. What? That makes no sense. I guess Marc is still losing at this game we call Life.
  15. These forums are boring as hell (and illiterate to boot) without me. Fo real.
  16. Im not banking on a run of the mill Z, no way,.... Colts car runs too well for that.
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