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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Freind of mine has over 25,000 songs on his Mac. 25,000 songs. 25,000 songs. That doesn't even include video. Some people are way more into music than you think.
  2. Buttsechs? I challenge you to a pizza making contest.
  3. You're so gay... I wish I was rich.
  4. No, You thirty something with a good job and more money than you know what to do with. Furthermore, this is on the condition that "slowz06" is who I think he is. Is it Mike, or derrick?
  5. Slowz06 would definitely, definitely destroy you, and I've got 50 bucks on this race (im a poor college kid, come on now). Anyone from Cleveland want to take that bet? Let somebody who knows me call me, I'm NEVER on CR anymore.
  6. So wait, you aren't single? I guess I'll have to put the champaigne back in the closet... I'M NOT DEAD, HOORAY
  7. You're seriously five years old. I don't owe you shit. Did you drive me to Kentucky? Nope. Should I have to do your yardwork? Nope. I was going to do it at eight dollars an hour (four dollars an hour cheaper than I usually do) because you were driving me to kentucky with the truck, and that didnt ever go through. Then, I was away at school. You know, College? I just got back today, and nothing of this has been mentioned in months. Thanks for being an immature prick, though. PS: Locking this or bringing up some bullshit garbage excuse for being a toolbox only proves that you're a tantrum-throwing, self-absorbed assclown. Thanks. Chris, when are we Beering?
  8. The repeated use of "fuck face" and "eat my dick" in all capitals really accentuates how truly enraged you are. Way to be angry on teh internet. Anyone else notice this gem? "Today you need a degree. I GOTS MINES, WHATS ABOUT YOURS?!" .......I wanna know what college he goes to...
  9. Didnt they do that because Art Modell was taking the team out of the city?
  10. Price for just the box and controllers?
  11. What? Racing for slips is cool now?
  12. Hey guys, I'm home from now until New Years. I'd like to make some money over the holiday break, and was wondering if anyone on here knew of any seasonal hiring opportunities. I'm trying to stay out of retail, and would love to cook. Thanks in advance, Jon
  13. Akron is a piece of shit. Ugliest city in Ohio, easily. (Besides stuebenville, but c'mon, it's stuebenville.)
  14. Akron wins. Want to know why? Swensons. Still, you're all annoying as fuck, and I have ZERO to do wit any of this. I'm a poor college kid with no fast car ATM.
  15. He said that because his brakes are as big as Desperado's house. It was a joke, cockmonglers.
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