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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. mlg Chicago, central conference championships. Serious shit. I'm looking for a top ten finish.
  2. In person. Rank doesn't matter, matchmaking is gay. Tp be on my team you'd need to be very profficient with the Battle Rifle.
  3. Devils Advocate


    Anyone on here good enough to attend tourneys?
  4. If it's the girl stripping to the dipset song, her name is Dana I believe. Her boyfriend is a friend of my friend's friend (shut up, seriously), and he is a michigan fan. At the end, she says "do you like Ohio State Now?" That's why she made the video. BTW, those are as real as possible. :eek2:
  5. Tim, you go to coffman and that's the best you drive? I'm really hoping that you get punched in the face every day after school, your poor pathetic piece of shit. Zack: Cut your fucking Hair. Scott: I will drink your worthless jarhead ass under the table any day, you arab loving excuse for a closet homosexual. Mike, you're the biggest pushover that I've ever met, but I love you for it and god will one day too. TJ- Stop drinking so god damned much, that much Krunk juice could kill the fat bitches you keep taking home, let alone your cracked-out skinny ass. WNaPlay- Shut the fuck up. You post so much it's a wonder you eat or sleep, let alone drive any sort of vehicle. Marc: You're Marc. HAhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Glenn- As much as you try, you'll never be able to spend enough money to make up for the fact that you're about three inches taller than gary coleman, with a penis that cuases girls to laugh and say "How many fingers ya want, nancy?" DJ- 8-10? Asshole.
  6. All I have to say is Fuck Wafflehouse.
  7. Asian kids arent allowed in dublin. Which high school do you go to?
  8. Glenn may be book smart, but his shit talking skills are mediocre, at best. And before anyone says it... YA RLY
  9. Yup. They've been down here since they heard about our president trying to do a bunch of illegal shit to make the Bar owners close during certain hours, like in the morning before homecoming this past saturday. All the bar owners told him to go fuck himself, stopped checking ID's, and pretty much gave drinks away. This place has to be Heaven on Earth.
  10. That car looks great, but for some reason the rear end having nothing to break it up is slightly off putting. Very clean work, though. And for all of you making fun of the body work (or those that intend to), he's a body work guy. That's what he does, so shut the fuck up.
  11. Only if they accept Money Orders.
  12. Don't live in a dorm room, my room in the house is fucking huge comparably, however. Never thrown a dart properly in my life, so this plan of yours would take me months on end to hit a name, unless they were the size of yo big ass. Sheeeeeeit. I'm doing well in school. I have no sense of humor this early in the morning. I haven't been drinking very much these past few weeks, been concentrating on school. Halloween is this upcoming weekend. That is all.
  13. Virgin? Please, I could pay for your house with all the V-cards in my Wallet. Send me the Bill.
  14. Your age and Sig quote lead me to believe that you have a tiny penis, and are definitely a virgin. Discuss. (On a side note, Adam Knisley would also fit perfectly into this thread if "Sig Quote" was replaced with simply "Receding Hairline")
  15. Hahahaha I actually laughed for a while at that one. I <3 you.
  16. This thread is absolutely worthless. Do you even think before you post things? This is a message board, not a Webjournal. If you tell me to "talk shit to your face", then I will Fuck your Mom.
  17. 151, Crown, or Evan williams. Also, Seagrams gin = $14/Liter.
  18. I'll take some cheddar and sourkraut on that roast beef sandwich.
  19. I seriously rock as a Pizza Delivery guy. Fast, Articulate, Intelligent, experienced, and I love to make pies. I have my own transportation, and it's reliable. I will be home from thanksgiving to new years and would be interested in helping you out. However, I have some concerns that I would like to talk to you about. Mind if I give you a call some time this week? Thanks in Advance, Jon
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