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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. ^^ Holy. Fucking. Shit. I would lose my mind if that was my car. Where was that?
  2. Being elitist doesnt help anybody. You guys did look like total jackasses.
  3. Devils Advocate


    My input for this thread: I went to high school with josh wheeler. He pushed me into a wall after a broom ball game in gym class. High strung guy.
  4. Maybe worth checking out for someone with cash monies. http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/cto/999513276.html
  5. Theres nothing like a goose island IPA out of a tap thats 30 feet from where it was brewed.
  6. Im an Xbox guy, but if I ever do buy one of the new generation systems, it will be a PS3 (or a wii).
  7. I believe the proper spelling is Hood PinZ.
  8. I cant read. How do you feel now?
  9. How are you the first person to say this? Was wondering reading through the whole page.
  10. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=3849468 3rd all time, baby. Suck our collective nuts, Michigan.
  11. Im watching Sopranos right now. creepy.
  12. Drool. Everyone should try and label each link... if this ends up getting a bunch of links, it'll make it easier.
  13. Where have I said that I like the idea of a possible release? I obviously would NOT be happy that someone with the intent to harm me based on the country I live in was free and surrounded by people of like mind. My point was that it's going to be pretty obvious that a prisoner freshly released is going to harbor resentment towards the country that imprisoned them, which would be compounded by poor treatment/lack of a reason for detainment. Does this fact make it Okay to keep people in jail without cause? No. I'm simply refusing to let what I believe in (innocent until proven guilty, torture is bad, I wouldn't want to be in that person's shoes, etc) be destroyed by fear-mongering. And how can you say one killer is more dangerous than another? Especially if they are all in jail together... behind bars... under heavy security?
  14. Of course they're going to want to fight america, they were imprisoned and possibly tortured here for years. And has it been long enough to stop referring to these people as terrorists, and just call them enemies? And to the senato from florida in that link, who says that he's worried about putting the prisoners in US prisons because they are "dangerous"... And the non-arab prisoners in our jails arent?
  15. That first link is insane... That thing is frightening.
  16. No es justo, cara de verga. Soy el Ganador! Kenny se pierde.
  17. Kinda... but instead of limiting it to one city or messageboard, this would be a compilation of good ones from THROUGHOUT TEH INTRARWABS!!1!1! ...Aka, better.
  18. Prefiero hablando espanol, porque putos como kenny no pueden comprenderme.
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