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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Uh.... Wow. Just WOW. HES ELIMINATING SECRET PRISONS WHERE PEOPLE ARE TORTURED. You're angry about it. Who is the dumbass? And btw, letting 245 go is going to bring on the next Jihad? Duhurrrrrrrrr, If u dont Likes Amurrica, yall can go on and GET OUT!1!1 Southpark should make an episode about CR people.
  2. I nominate this as the most ridiculous use of the search function ever.
  3. You also need to stop replacing the letter S with the letter Z... Unless you're trying out for the Varsity Cheerleading Squad.
  4. My english teacher in HS was the fucking shit.
  5. Mr. Schnauzie should sponsor this event.
  6. Please. Everyone's existence involved in that war, on both sides, was the result of the atrocious massacre of millions of Native Americans. Casting stones about early policy is completely futile.
  7. + rep for the member name. Groening owns all. "What do i call it, Kiff?" "Ugh.... Sex-Lexia."
  8. I have a patent on this phrase when used on CR... You owe me fitty bux.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEyP_IGv9I4 ' Listened to this on repeat for ten hours on and off one day. the beat is impeccable.
  10. Holy shit, Mark posted. No fucking way. With regards to Palin... I have 4(8) years to save up for a move to a different country/planet.
  11. Thats fucking awesome. I wish people around the world would stop spending trillions of dollars on War and spend more time and energy developing things like this. We'd be on friggin Mars by now.
  12. Wow...... Just wow. That post should be on your tombstone, so every one of your descendants would know how dumb you were.
  14. Damn kids and their loud music.
  15. He oviously has a small cock, and lives in UA> Put the pieces together.
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