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Everything posted by Primera

  1. If you read this and don't expect a spoiler to follow, you're retarded. And yes, he saved you from disappointment. And the supposed third ending that I've heard about has her come into the room and slit her throat, then it ends..?
  2. "Cherry said the 3-year-old’s mother took the girl to a hospital to be examined Sunday. She said Jamar told her he never raped the child and kept his clothes on. A physical exam showed no evidence of sexual trauma" He might've been a future-rapist, but supposedly not then.
  3. Primera

    so i put a ad on CL

    Forgot how that ends but I'm sure it goes something like.. Then pull it out of your ass, faggot!
  4. Primera

    so i put a ad on CL

    Is your refrigerator running?
  5. If a battle is going nowhere (grammar nazi comes out, someone makes a ford joke), just make a post saying "I miss *someone who posted in the thread that you're friends with but don't hang out with enough*". One example I've noticed is Howard. Just say you miss him and everyone will forget what they were talking about (acknowledgement of friendship trumps flamewars, i guess). At that point, you can start working on a new target.
  6. ...and it's a Superleggera Poor car. I still achieved an erection. Thanks
  7. lol Sounds like it. Were you involved in whatever lead to her hitting a mailbox in any way? Take her car to Kevin. And here's your rough estimate: $2,371.06
  8. "Good song", "Black Eyed Peas", "Fergie", "so hot" This thread is off to a terrible start. Can't hear the song since I'm at work, but I'm gonna assume I may secretly like it and never admit it. EDIT: Song is terrible. I even tried to like it and hate all of it. BONUS EDIT: Fergie is definitely not hot still.
  9. Can you pick the movies right from the menu on the PS3 or do you have to start an Instant Queue from the website?
  10. hahahaha Shit, that admin must really fucking hate life right about now..
  11. I didn't know if I read that right but if that's right.. +1
  12. Whatever you end up getting, pick up Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (comes out tomorrow). Fucking..amazing..
  13. I've noticed that sometimes after rewinding, the AI changes up their line a little. Also putting pressure on AI has caused them to make mistakes/wreck. Amazing shit. Also, NO MOAR RROD 4 ME!
  14. You're gaying up a thread about sweaty balls
  15. Well then... Atleast she was almost 11.
  16. After you figure out the name: http://www.ripoffreport.com/
  17. I think watching my GT2's taillights during a down/uphill point-to-point race in a heavy truck would be more entertaining
  18. I thought you'd be used to being brought up in EVERY intro thread ever posted on here EVER.
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