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Everything posted by Primera

  1. It's insane to think how the guy manages to fit anything into his schedule but he was able to knock out a lot of stuff on my front suspension/brakes. The car handles/stops like a champ again. I'll definitely be sending anything I can your way. Thanks again, Rob! :thumbup:
  2. Thanks for solidifying my point Can someone tell me what is so great about Boondock Saints? Just one thing in this movie that no other movie did better.
  3. You've got the perfect mentality for someone who likes that over-hyped suck fest of a movie.
  4. +1 +1 for Children of Men being a great movie
  5. Because I was hoping there were a shitload of dick pics in here.
  6. Minute clinic @ CVS is an option, if it's not a big medical issue.
  7. You're just jealous. I am a very direct, very passionate, very assertive man!
  8. Still haven't heard back from them yet I'll give it some time.
  9. Ugghhh...that is so shitty! It's one thing if your life is in ruins and you decide to end your life but to ruin/take other peoples lives as well? For people like that, I hope there is a hell they have to suffer through in the afterlife.
  10. I'll try and get on after I get out of work (around 11) if I can get my router issue figured out. gamertag: locolotus
  11. http://rideyourpimp.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/turp_0804_07_z2005_infiniti_fx35rear.jpg
  12. Sell some of them and buy some new shelves :thumbup:
  13. I figured it'd be somewhat simple, not just needing to change the multiplier. I didn't want to mess with things and ruin my shit. I guess I could always use google.
  14. I just built a computer and was wanting to OC it a little bit and try and get a couple little things sorted out on it. Specs: AMD Phenom II X4 940 3.0 Ghz Quadcore Gigabyte GA-MA790XT-UD4P Was wanting to OC it to 3.4-3.6 Ghz and get Windows 7 RC1 on it and a couple driver issues dealt with. I just don't want to fuck anything up. Thanks, Eric
  15. I would have been there today and tomorrow but work and a birthday came up
  16. I'm looking for anyone on here that has done this before and could help me out. I've got a set of expensive headlights that I'm going to do a retro on but I don't want to screw anything up.
  17. Primera


    Thanks, Ellipsis
  18. meh... No one has their first beer at 21, amateur.
  19. Miller said it best:
  20. I have good reason to believe that is not you.
  21. I can't wait for qualifying in Valencia
  22. Good to know! If only I hung out around Hilliard outside of work. +rep
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