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Everything posted by Primera

  1. Primera

    Here Phil

    You should just ban him from the kitchen.
  2. ? You can set your own shit up without the forum. You just said the guys on the west side are out all the time. You just can't post up and organize it here anymore. The circumstances for why the forum had to change a bit are fucking terrible but get the fuck over it. Being an outsider to the people it affected, you're coming off like a fucking dumbass. Alright, I need to stop clicking "View Post" and resume ignoring your arrogant shit.
  3. Some really terrible stuff has been happening in the past couple years. Of course that's gonna affect things around here. You joined at the wrong time. Stop your bitching and if you want to set that shit up, do it. Just not on here.
  4. I'd like to get another 91 SE-R (and boost it). And to be able to source the parts to make it AWD would be bad ass. Ugly little cars but I still love them
  5. Actually, I like Westerville. I'd hate Ohio too if I lived in Reynoldsburg
  6. Once, I drank a whole can of Red Bull and fell asleep. Almost a true story
  7. In that case, I'd go with Eli's suggestion: tux
  8. For a management position, I highly recommend wearing a nice dress shirt and tie. Going into a position that might require you to wear that, then coming to the interview in "business casual" would look bad.
  9. Definitely got the John Popper influence in the vocals. Not my type of music but I know people would eat it up locally. Good cut too, for being 'rough'. Only criticism I have is for the vocalist to try and stray a little from John Popper. Or just join a cover band.
  10. +1 I don't even bother w/ RWB anymore. The only reason I went in the past was to meet up with friends and drink. Now I just cut the fireworks part out and just hit up a bar away from all that shit. It's like going to Comfest. People get excited about it each year and all I hear from them after was "..it was alright". It's never worth the crowds.
  11. Got a wedding in Cincy.. I'll be out one of these PRK22 nights though. Shit will be WILD!
  12. I was watching Top Gear last night and figured they'd just show that practice video clip that's been around for a while. That was fucking badass!
  13. I might be down. I don't get out of work until late tomorrow but I'll let you know. Crazy fuckin times last time I was there.
  14. I want to hear "Flight Of The Bumblebee" through an F1 engine Triple
  15. Ok...now I need to see this statement. Where's the proof?
  16. ^ Learned something new today. Nothing gives me more erectile function than F1 cars warming up their tires on the warm up lap.
  17. Nope. I tried tracking it down but gave up. All I came up w/ was the original: http://myspace-447.vo.llnwd.net/00551/74/44/551854447_l.jpg
  18. I thought that was the awsome part of the tattoo. Tilley's tattoo pic > your reposted tattoo pic.
  19. That was just obnoxious. I like this one better:
  20. God damn it! I thought for a second there would actually be a race. Stupid me
  21. I used to drink all night on Saturdays and have to go into work at 6am on Sunday. I normally just wouldn't goto bed until after I got out of work. The shitty part was being awake through the entire hangover process and sweating out all the alcohol.
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