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Everything posted by Primera

  1. I didn't see it but I'm sure it was just as awkward as the last appearance on Conan. Definitely cocaine.
  2. gym teacher. ^ I didn't know the proper way of the 'fist pump'. Looks to be a slow warmup into the full motion. Now I can fist pump all day with pulling a tri.
  3. marriage should be better
  4. I bought one since the GT28r in my garage is too big to fit in my pocket.
  5. I don't care how rare the car is. That shit looks retarded. Even with the specs on the Cobra R, I still would never want one.
  6. Primera


    And I'm down for basketball and paintball. Ultimate frisbee would be good on the days I'm hungover and don't want to get my ass kicked.
  7. Primera


    When you say sports, does that mean like playing videogames...outside? I'm so cornfused.
  8. I thought that was what this thread was originally about. My mcsteak
  9. You would want into a store with a shitty ass to buy toilet paper? Atleast hit up a shower first. Can we start a poll in this thread to see how many people fold the toilet paper before wiping versus just bunching it up?
  10. I've tried to look at all reasons to like Gucci Mane and I absolutely can't. The guy is terrible and his lyrics are garbage. You want good hiphop? Pick up Raekwon's new album.
  11. lol The Southpark episode is exactly why I instantly thought PERSIANS!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Nicely done :thumbup: I've only got a little bit of debt left on one credit card and I'm debt free...until I buy a house
  13. Their kids will look at that video and think they are just as dumb as I do now, while Facebook is still relevant.
  14. ^ Not only that but you'd feel the train horns blasting at you.
  15. I've got $20 that says no matter how much you all dissect the game, it's not gonna matter. Just enjoy the fucking game. And stop saying "we" and "Tressel's gonna need to..". I get it, you're like a commentator..cool. *triple smiley face*
  16. You Recalled Correctly. Same with Best Buy; they can't physically stop anyone from walking out of the store.
  17. So you're the guy posting JO buddy CL ads..
  18. The person at the front has two responsibilities; greet people as they leave and ask people with big products and things that are normally locked up, for a reciept (like videogames). It's their JERRRRRB! You think they actually enjoy holding people up as they leave? I'm sure it's kinda nerve racking especially since they get assholes who punch them in the mouth.
  19. If I knew the person, I'd return it. I know it's a good chunk of money but look at what happened to Ebenezer Scrooge when he was selfish.. Do you want ghosts floating around and showing you your future? I didn't think so.
  20. In some cases, I understand not wanting to be bothered for checking a reciept but really? I can guarantee the only person in here whose time is priceless is Brian, bc he's an admin on a car forum.
  21. Moar details. The owner trying to track you down?
  22. I wouldn't even bring it up if the funding wouldn't be there. I'm not one of "those guys". *double winky face*
  23. You want a project? I'm looking to import the AWD system from a Nissan Primera next year. It'd be the first AWD converted G20 in the States. We can talk about it sometime when I'm at the shop.
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