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Everything posted by Primera

  1. Results 1 - 10 of about 3,470 for Eat a dick! I happen to know this shit very well. It's part of my job. However, it is easier to cut and paste from a google search, than type it out while I'm at work.. (0.26 seconds) I'm just fucking with you, Ctrl+C-Ctrl+V
  2. You should change your name to Google
  3. Don't act like you never drank before you were 21, ya old shit.
  4. I've put people on my ignore list, but I still end up clicking to show the message to see what dumb shit they say (well, except Phil). Just results in more work for me to read dumb shit on here.
  5. My posts weren't deleted and I want to know why!!!! I stayed completely off topic in each one of them. This is bullshit!
  6. Alright, for some reason I still read that shittyassfuck of a sentence correctly, so I'll respectfully get back on topic: No.
  7. What's the name of that song on 107.5 that goes "blame it on the a-a-a a-a alcohol"?
  8. http://www.scotties.org/peanut_gallery.gif
  9. Well, if you send yourself a text, you have a text in your inbox. So keep sending yourself texts and it doubles up. That's what I do when I'm at the club. Just keep texting myself so it looks like I'm busy and popular at the same time! Double cool!
  10. That's IT! MODS! I want this thread closed immediately! The spoiled kid offended me.
  11. I see it both ways. There are some people I can't stand talking over the phone with. So our conversations are brief texts. There are also people I hate having a conversation with texts. They turn into really long conversations that would take 2 minutes over the phone. I'd be more against texting if my phone didn't have a full keyboard. I probably only have ~5-600 texts total a month. 10k? Fuck that.
  12. bu-... fine. back on topic: Howard, I miss you man! Remember that time we were working on a car and you were like "hold on..is that a..?" and all of a sudden it caught on fire?! Ahhhh good times. We gotta goto that sushi place you told me about again. Tomorrow? Cool! You got my number right? Of course you do, we're good friends! YAY friendship!
  13. What happened to this thread? Cavin vs. the World Didn't see a reply to that one. You're throwing out $1k bets in this dumbass thread. Why not accept that one?
  14. http://www.realcar.co.uk/
  15. Red band trailer A lot of Mike Tyson's beautiful vocal range in this trailer
  16. Already posted this in the other thread but double post owned me for the first time..
  17. I didn't know Soundgarden covered "Come Together" but while listening to it, I found this: It's too bad he had Timbaland produce his new album. I liked his first solo album a lot.
  18. ^ Finally, a track without that retarded fucking accent
  19. One of the greatest parts of my childhood
  20. Cliffs? Oh and Doc, when are you having your open house?
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