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Everything posted by Primera

  1. I was almost expecting him to do something sweet..thank God he didn't
  2. Primera

    Franklin Rap

    ..ppin' C-Bus harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd!
  3. If you wanna hit the bars this weekend, let me know.
  4. They weren't dressing like this until they joined this band.
  5. I'm not talking about music style. I'm talking about the way he dresses. This doesn't sound anything like Pantera.
  6. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/6/64/Mudvayne-gurrg.jpg/200px-Mudvayne-gurrg.jpg Quite the transformation. I'm kinda surprised Vinnie wouldn't be offended by these guys stealing his style
  7. He's the guitarist in Mudvayne. Then the rest of the band is part of the band, Nothingface.
  8. I am not a fan of Hell Yeah at all. After hearing about the lineup, I had high hopes. I like Mudvayne's "L.D.50" album A LOT, but didn't like much of what was coming out after that. Vinnie is too bad ass of a drummer to be playing this lame shit. It just sounds like the rest of the crap the Blitz plays these days.
  9. +1 A bad setup sure! He should have kept it black
  10. The underside of the cart. It's very sharp on the bottom, so I learned.
  11. Another tasty picture for your viewing pleasure.. Have you seen my baseball? ..and all 22 of those suckers are coming out next week
  12. That'll look real good! Nice little weight reduction too.
  13. Ok, I shouldn't have said "dick head doctor". It's just when you're just starting to come out of shock and someone walks in the room, doesn't say a word, doesn't look underneath the towel and just grabs your wrist where there is no skin and squeezes real hard, then leaves again without one word (eventually then came back in to start numbing me), you kinda have a vendetta towards him. It isn't until I post on a forum that I learn any of why he did that. He wasn't the doc who repaired it anyway. Fun fact: If anyone saw the home makeover show that was in Whitehall, the doctor who fixed the guy's hand (had an incident w/ a saw) on the show was the guy who fixed me up.
  14. haha Nope, just opening up a whole new world. In a month, I should have the "stranger" mastered. Although, the injury has me getting plenty of sympathy from the girls on campus. That is, until they see a picture of it and run away screaming.
  15. 1 severed radial artery 3 beyond fucked tendons Some unrepairable nerve damage 18 staples in my wrist 3 months of physical therapy Worker's comp for a long, long time Now, for all the sick bastards who want to see the damage.. .. .. .. .. .. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v354/deftapcubus/emoalex.jpg I should've followed the diagram: http://www.afireinside.org/archive/remember_kids.jpg Now, the story: Last week, I was at work and was moving a cart w/ 8' condensor coils on it. The cart had a lot of grease on it and my hand slipped off and went underneath. I didn't think anything of it but noticed a crazy amount of something spraying out underneath. Then pulled my arm out to realize it was blood (I was in shock at the time). So I grabbed my arm and started walking towards the nurse's office. After walking a while, I about collapsed when someone ran up to me and wrapped a towel over my arm and helped me there. Then eventually the ambulance showed up, went to the hospital, some dickhead doctor grabbed my arm as hard as he could over the wound (never explained why he did that), then proceeded to stick 6 shots into the gaping wound to numb it. After that, he grabbed a needle and started poking my hand in various spots (probably 8 times or so) to see where my hand was numb. Only 1 of the spots was my hand actually numb so I got stabbed another 7 times in my hand. Afterwards, they finally gave me some morphine and the next morning I had a 6 hr surgery to reattach my tendons and artery. Today I had the most painful physical therapy I hope I ever have to go through and I'm on my 2nd prescription of vicodin. Next week, they take out the staples. It sucks to own a 5 speed at the moment because I'm stuck driving a POS S10 until I can clench a fist.
  16. Primera


    A 3!!! Oh wait...little late. I think I'm gonna finish my night mastering the "stranger"
  17. Congrats man! Now get her nails fixed
  18. She graduated a year after me. We hung out a little bit but not like her and Mr. North do these days.
  19. This is Chewbacca, Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk, but Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now, think about that. That does not make sense! Why would a Wookiee, an eight foot tall Wookiee,want to live on Endor with a bunch of two foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! What does that have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! None of this makes sense. If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests.
  20. Yeah I got it. It's a lot better than I was expecting. Whats your gamertag?
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