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Everything posted by Primera

  1. I have all my bills paid off in one weeks pay from my FT job. I also have a PT job a couple days a week so I'm banking a good amount, ATM. I'm saving to goto school down in Florida so I'll be broke again after I get out of the lease I'm in.
  2. I fucking hope so. Doubt it though
  3. There is a good amount of original stuff these days. You just have to resort to tracking down these bands/musicians rather than listening to the radio. And I'll agree, The White Stripes is far from groundbreaking. Now to make this thread interesting, let's get a debate on who thinks Nirvana is one of the main reasons for all the shitty rock you hear on the radio these days.
  4. Lunchtime .. the old bridge by the swingset .. you're dead
  5. http://www.tadpolenet.com/blogs/index.php?blog=5&title=do_not_shave_your_ass_hair
  6. No. Thread's dead, baby. Thread's dead.
  7. That's quite the vague statement.
  8. When they start coming home reeking of pot, that's when you make them cut it. I'm sure you probably have a little while til then.
  9. Did anyone else start slapping the ham before clicking the link, then proceed to finish while looking at the picture? Because I didn't.
  10. Should have told him it's a malfunction in the piston ring cylinder converter. Then just replace the coolant drain plug that's probably missing.
  11. I know. He said "rock" stations.. I had XM for almost half a year before switching to Sirius. My big problem with XM was that I found myself flipping through stations after each song. It just didn't seem like they have good playlists on their rock stations. Atleast for my music preference, I don't have that issue with Sirius.
  12. That's when you say "Oh wait, I gutted it out. It helped free up a few ponies!" and watch their reaction.
  13. Gears of War is a badass game. I haven't played much online after beating the game though. I've been spending more time on the new Rainbow Six.
  14. Where'd I say my car was fast? I may be packing a whole 150-155whp OMG!! And that's after all the bolt-ons My bad for generalizing, it's just hard to see someone at a younger age having such a disposable piggy bank like that. What's your daily?
  15. I feel bad for your dad's bank account
  16. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
  17. I ended up passing out by the first half and didn't catch the end. I read the play by play but haven't been able to find a video of the end yet.
  18. That shit is ridonkulous. Even in a couple of the other pictures it looks fake as hell, even though it's proven to be real. It's definitely 'different'
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