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Everything posted by Primera

  1. I came across this from someone else a little while back. I graduated the year before and knew her pretty well.
  2. I was pulled over once for not having a front plate. I told the officer that I had just replaced the bumper and hadn't drilled the holes for the license plate yet and I just got a warning.
  3. Getting the T28 setup pieced together by mid-spring, new tires, new wheels, Tein SS coilovers (replacing the Tein NAs I have) and possibly a new clutch. After that, my car should be done and my wallet can take a breather .. at least for a little bit.
  4. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v354/deftapcubus/jerry.gif
  5. I can vouch that the component cable is in great condition BTW, happy b-day
  6. Like Brian said, I'm sure he probably just misplaced it. I'm sure if you didn't have your mommy to hold your hand through transactions like this, you'd misplace shit too. And yeah, I know it wasn't from Polaris.
  7. Primera


    Fucking weird. I even tried "bush hits the fatties". I want more explaining
  8. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh man!!! That long trip back from Polaris must've been hell! I would be sooooo ticked too!!!
  9. You don't have a question or positive comment for the seller??? Don't post. -Vince
  10. Fucking score! The 30gig is going for $250 now, by the way.
  11. Yeah, so wait.. what?.. who lies about something like that?
  12. http://thelastboss.com/post.phtml?pk=1578
  13. I was quite sick of the character before seeing the movie but there were a couple parts where I was in tears from laughing so hard at the theater.
  14. Long story short.. driving home late one night on 33, my car was lodged underneath a semi 2Fast2Furious style and the front half of my car was under the trailer. The car was dragged for around a 1/4 mile and shot out into the median. Lucky for me, it didn't run over my car (there were skid marks from the back tires rubbing my passenger door) and I was wearing my seatbelt or I'm sure the windshield would've fucked me up real bad (it was hanging down about 3 inches from my neck). The car was still running after all this and done. However, it was totaled out because the a-pillars/roof were FUBAR.
  15. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v354/deftapcubus/yep.jpg
  16. Someone tried to let one slip and got a liquid surprise
  17. I got it and yeah... fucking amazing!
  18. Did the camera come with software? If so, reinstall it
  19. Not too shabby, but you ain't got shit on Raptacular boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!
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