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Everything posted by Primera

  1. Primera

    Hefty is a ho

    You fucking heard me. I'll probably fight you too. God, I'm bored as shit.
  2. My car has leather seats, jealous?
  3. I think it's more that he thinks you're dumb and enjoys pointing it on here.
  4. Primera

    VTEC99 is a bitch

    I think someone is just pissed that gearhead didn't wanna spoon with him after sex last night
  5. Primera

    Forced Introduction

    How about this one? :barf::jerkit: ...............:funny:
  6. Primera

    Forced Introduction

    Damn it Jones, this is the kitchen. We were supposed to engage in e-fisticuffs and make this thread 10 pages longer. You ruined it with your reasoning! Now lets talk shoes in here. Does anybody else ever want to trip the kids that where those shoes that turn into a skate that go flying through stores all the time? Anyone here have "Soaps" like 10 years ago? I wanna get another pair and rip up the rails at the local mall!
  7. Primera

    Forced Introduction

    He says it's a base model Civic, not claiming it's a sweet car or anything. Someone asks for a pic and then.. It means you're arrogant. Get your head out of your ass
  8. Primera

    Forced Introduction

    Nah, you're still a problem. Just not, in my mind, enough to be banned yet.
  9. Primera

    Forced Introduction

    ^ It's a little easier banning a new guy than it is to ban a moderator
  10. http://www.tard-blog.com/
  11. Primera

    Forced Introduction

    Get an Audi and you'll wake up arrogant too
  12. Primera

    Forced Introduction

    Well, you've done a good job fending off some of these arrogant regulars around here and I commend you for it. Welcome (again, I guess)
  13. Primera

    Insincere apology

    Well, if he would've been banned earlier, it would have been fine. Now this guy is cracking me up
  14. I want to party with the person who stole that truck
  15. I had to wear a pink splint for a while. It worked like a fucking charm w/ the women whenever I went out.
  16. My dad's G35 coupe does the same thing and I don't think he had any issues with it. I'm sure wherever he's getting it done has had cars like that in the past. Just tell him to call them and confirm if it would be an issue or not.
  17. A GTO gauge cluster? That won't go well with cereal in the morning
  18. That's where I keep mine too. I tell them the car came from Florida and didn't come with a front bracket and two cops have let me off. One got me for it though, along with speeding and tint
  19. Primera

    My toys

    Bad ass cars! :thumbup:
  20. That's a bad ass car for sure! He must've had to do the dishes for like a whole week /jealousy
  21. I guess it shipped today and all the stores won't have it stocked until tomorrow. I may see if Walmart has it tonight after midnight.
  22. I bought the wireless wheel for it but ended up returning it because I can't really set it up well in my room. The wheel itself has a little bit of play in it from having a cheap plastic piece inside the hub rather than a real bearing. I'm still on workers comp so my week is open
  23. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v354/deftapcubus/good-one.jpg Somebody is just pissed they got RickRoll'd
  24. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v354/deftapcubus/blownenginevy1.gif http://www.cyberlink.to/httpyoutubecom-steve-engineblow
  25. I never laugh out loud when reading anything but I just hit belted a high C# giggle.
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